Binance Square
--16 views users are on high alert after a series of SIM-swap attacks resulted in the loss of nearly 109 Ether (ETH) worth around $178,000 from four users in under a week. The attackers gained control of users' mobile numbers to intercept two-factor authentication codes, which were then used to access their accounts. Crypto investment firm Manifold Trading has warned that around $20 million is at risk of being exploited through user-focused attacks. The firm has suggested that should allow users to add 2FA to logins, key decryptions, and transactions, among other security measures. users are on high alert after a series of SIM-swap attacks resulted in the loss of nearly 109 Ether (ETH) worth around $178,000 from four users in under a week. The attackers gained control of users' mobile numbers to intercept two-factor authentication codes, which were then used to access their accounts. Crypto investment firm Manifold Trading has warned that around $20 million is at risk of being exploited through user-focused attacks. The firm has suggested that should allow users to add 2FA to logins, key decryptions, and transactions, among other security measures.

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