Binance Square
Osmosis, the largest decentralized exchange (DEX) on Cosmos, is bringing Bitcoin (BTC) to the inter-blockchain communications (IBC) protocol in collaboration with Nomic and Kujira. Users can transfer Bitcoin to the Cosmos network via Osmosis' Nomic bridge for a 1.5% transaction fee and receive Nomic Bitcoin (nBTC) on a one-to-one basis. The nBTC Interchain Upgrade is set to launch on October 27 and activate on October 30. Users can also send BTC to Kujira's Sonar wallet address and self-custody their nBTC. The nBTC can be used as collateral to mint Kujira's native stablecoin USK and for borrowing and lending within the ecosystem.

Osmosis, the largest decentralized exchange (DEX) on Cosmos, is bringing Bitcoin (BTC) to the inter-blockchain communications (IBC) protocol in collaboration with Nomic and Kujira. Users can transfer Bitcoin to the Cosmos network via Osmosis' Nomic bridge for a 1.5% transaction fee and receive Nomic Bitcoin (nBTC) on a one-to-one basis. The nBTC Interchain Upgrade is set to launch on October 27 and activate on October 30. Users can also send BTC to Kujira's Sonar wallet address and self-custody their nBTC. The nBTC can be used as collateral to mint Kujira's native stablecoin USK and for borrowing and lending within the ecosystem.

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