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🚀 Uptober Blast Off: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin soar, liquidating over $100M! 🎉 - Sunday evening saw a significant rally in BTC, ETH & DOGE, coinciding with the start of "Uptober" 📈 - The potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF by the SEC is fueling optimism in the crypto market 🌐 - Crypto analysts predict a bullish October and Q4, with Bitcoin possibly reaching $40,000 🤑 💡 Did you catch the sudden surge? Share your thoughts and predictions in the comments! 👇

🚀 Uptober Blast Off: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin soar, liquidating over $100M! 🎉

- Sunday evening saw a significant rally in BTC, ETH & DOGE, coinciding with the start of "Uptober" 📈

- The potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF by the SEC is fueling optimism in the crypto market 🌐

- Crypto analysts predict a bullish October and Q4, with Bitcoin possibly reaching $40,000 🤑

💡 Did you catch the sudden surge? Share your thoughts and predictions in the comments! 👇

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🚀CARV, a leading modular data layer for gaming and AI, has announced its inaugural node sale! This marks a significant step towards CARV's vision of a user-owned internet where individuals can truly own, control, and monetize their personal data. 🎮 Starting May 13, users worldwide can join CARV's decentralized data network by running verifier nodes, contributing to the redistribution of value and earning rewards. Over 2.5M users have already joined this data revolution, making CARV one of the largest ecosystems by unique active wallets (UAW) across multiple blockchain networks. CARV's node sale offers a limited supply of 100,000 verifier nodes at a multi-tier pricing system starting at sub $500. Node operators will earn a significant portion of the network's native $CARV tokens, with 25% of the total supply allocated for distribution to verifiers. CARV Co-Founder, Victor Yu, emphasizes that this move empowers users to become active participants in the new data economy that respects user autonomy and privacy. The node sale will be conducted in phases, starting with Institutions/Organization Sales on May 3, 2024, followed by the Whitelist Node Sale Launch on May 13, 2024, and finally the Public Node Sale Launch on May 15, 2024. CARV's founding team boasts veterans from Electronic Arts, Garena, Tencent Games, Coinbase, OKX, BNBChain, Google, TikTok Ads, McKinsey, LINO, d.Live, and more. Join the conversation below and share your thoughts on this exciting development in the world of blockchain and data ownership! 💬👇

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