Binance Square
🚀 Crypto News Flash: $200M in tokens set to unlock this month! 💥 Major projects like AXS, OP, APE, IMX, SUI, and APT account for over 80% ($174M) of the total unlock value, according to TokenUnlocks. This could create a significant shift in market dynamics. Key unlocks include: - Axie Infinity (AXS) releasing 15.13M tokens worth $71.2M 🎮 - Optimism (OP) unlocking $33.58M worth of tokens on Oct 31 🌐 - ApeCoin (APE) adding $19.3M to its treasury 🦍 - Immutable X (IMX) releasing $10.71M worth of tokens on Oct 7 🖼️ - Sui (SUI) unlocking 34M tokens valued at $16.21M 🔗 - Aptos (APT) releasing 4.54M tokens worth $24.94M 🌐 These token unlocks could result in a liquidity surge or sell-off, depending on investor sentiment. 📈📉 What do you think will happen? Share your thoughts in the comments! 👇

🚀 Crypto News Flash: $200M in tokens set to unlock this month! 💥

Major projects like AXS, OP, APE, IMX, SUI, and APT account for over 80% ($174M) of the total unlock value, according to TokenUnlocks. This could create a significant shift in market dynamics. Key unlocks include:

- Axie Infinity (AXS) releasing 15.13M tokens worth $71.2M 🎮

- Optimism (OP) unlocking $33.58M worth of tokens on Oct 31 🌐

- ApeCoin (APE) adding $19.3M to its treasury 🦍

- Immutable X (IMX) releasing $10.71M worth of tokens on Oct 7 🖼️

- Sui (SUI) unlocking 34M tokens valued at $16.21M 🔗

- Aptos (APT) releasing 4.54M tokens worth $24.94M 🌐

These token unlocks could result in a liquidity surge or sell-off, depending on investor sentiment. 📈📉 What do you think will happen? Share your thoughts in the comments! 👇

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