Binance Square
#BAKE Entry - 0.11 ~ 0.121 (Current Price) Targets - 0.13/ 0.144/ 0.18/ 0.24 Invalidation below 0.104$


Entry - 0.11 ~ 0.121 (Current Price)

Targets - 0.13/ 0.144/ 0.18/ 0.24

Invalidation below 0.104$

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I believe the crypto market is broken 1. Memecoins got way too much attention and many small holders lost everything. We won't see them again for a while, and neither will their money. 2. The hunt for narratives makes money move very quickly. But those who decide the narratives move the fastest, wait for those who follow them and dump their tokens in their faces. Most people therefore lose a portion of their bags little by little. They don't realize it at the time, but the accumulation of small losses adds up. And when we realize this, latent panic is triggered by the slightest correction. Like yesterday. 3. Marketcaps no longer make sense. When I see the #Wormehole airdrop which values a simple bridge at 13 billion dollars and whose usefulness of its token is to vote on the protocol....I don't see investors but greed and market exaggerations that are just waiting to be cut. 4. Worst of all, airdrops. I've never seen so many airdrops concentrated in such a short time. Take an Airbus A380, fill it to the brim with 100 euro notes and dump this gigantic cargo on Paris. Everyone fights to collect as many tickets as possible to win as much as possible. Result, an overall dilution of the market which renders it ineffective. The risk: having too many tokens and not enough money to buy the dip. No one bought yesterday's dip, I haven't seen any rebound. And without a rebound, the trend will increase. I will take the time to think carefully about this situation and perhaps change my strategy. Unfortunately, new good projects that are launched are massacred. A return to the good old values, at least in part, would be possible. And I don't forget the $USDT of course. I don't know what you're thinking, but you have to question yourself from time to time. I'm still bullish, but I'm adapting. On that note, have a good evening friends! $BTC $ETH $BNB #Memecoins #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear
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