The #pepe crypto community recently disclosed a worrying security lapse involving its former Telegram channel. The update claims that the Telegram channel they formerly controlled has been compromised, with the "lordkeklol" account coming into the possession of an unauthorised person.
The administrator of the Pepe meme coin posted about the development on X.
The update claims that this unauthorised party promoted fraudulent activity using the compromised account. For the Pepe community, it included ad campaigns for scams and the introduction of new cryptocurrencies.
In reaction to the circumstance, PEPE strongly stated that this person has no connection to the PEPE community, including any present or former members.

$PEPE has urged its members to take action by flagging the compromised PEPE Telegram group as a "false account" in order to address this problem and safeguard the community. The Pepe admin is certain that by working together, Telegram will remove the bogus channel.
The community will also create a new account with improved security procedures, according to the Pepe admin. Also, the Pepe admin made it clear that the project team would only use Twitter for official communications.
The administrator also made public a different phoney Twitter account that was imitating the hijacked "lordkeklol" account. The Pepe team made a disclaimer that the current @lordkeklol Twitter handle is not related to PEPE and should be reported as spam or impersonation.
Significantly, the Pepe team issued these notices after former employees stole 16 trillion PEPE tokens, which at the time were worth $15 million. Then, the stolen money was transferred to numerous centralised exchanges.