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21 часа
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop活动在活动结束后竟然凭空新增了一项 “需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则,这种行为无异于乱改活动规则。这种做法不仅令人不齿,更存在明显的欺骗用户倾向。我们坚决抵制bybit平台这种不负责任、不守诚信的行为,希望广大用户能够擦亮眼睛,共同维护一个公平、透明的交易环境。作为用户,是否可以这样理解: 下一个任务要求我在钱包持有10U余额,在任务结束后,空投前的某一天,bybit又把规则改成需要在钱包持有50U余额,这样用户是不是永远都不能达到任务要求,永远无法获得空投 没有人能领取到bybit所谓的“奖池”,因为任务要求一直在改变,你永远达不到他的要求。 As a user, can we understand it this way: The next task requires me to hold a balance of 10U in my wallet. After the task ended, on a certain day before the airdrop, Bybit changed the rule to require holding a balance of 50U in my wallet. Will this mean that users will never be able to meet the task requirements and receive airdrops No one can claim Bybit's so-called 'prize pool' because the task requirements are constantly changing and you will never be able to meet them. #story #ip #storyip #bybit
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop活动在活动结束后竟然凭空新增了一项 “需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则,这种行为无异于乱改活动规则。这种做法不仅令人不齿,更存在明显的欺骗用户倾向。我们坚决抵制bybit平台这种不负责任、不守诚信的行为,希望广大用户能够擦亮眼睛,共同维护一个公平、透明的交易环境。作为用户,是否可以这样理解:

As a user, can we understand it this way:
The next task requires me to hold a balance of 10U in my wallet. After the task ended, on a certain day before the airdrop, Bybit changed the rule to require holding a balance of 50U in my wallet. Will this mean that users will never be able to meet the task requirements and receive airdrops
No one can claim Bybit's so-called 'prize pool' because the task requirements are constantly changing and you will never be able to meet them.
#story #ip #storyip #bybit
bybit对用户进行了隐瞒,私自修改了任务规则,并且是在任务已经结束后,修改了任务规则。意味着所有在当时完成了任务的用户都不符合“新规则“,这是明显的欺诈!#bybit #story Bybit concealed the information from the user and modified the task rules without authorization, even after the task had already ended. This means that all users who completed the task at that time did not comply with the "new rules", which is obvious fraud!
bybit对用户进行了隐瞒,私自修改了任务规则,并且是在任务已经结束后,修改了任务规则。意味着所有在当时完成了任务的用户都不符合“新规则“,这是明显的欺诈!#bybit #story
Bybit concealed the information from the user and modified the task rules without authorization, even after the task had already ended. This means that all users who completed the task at that time did not comply with the "new rules", which is obvious fraud!
22 часа
bybit平台在Story Airdrop项目在活动结束后9天再次修改规则,新增“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”这一项规则,这不仅违反了诚信原则,更是对用户的一种欺骗。平台对此事缺乏解释和处理,进一步加剧了用户的不满和失望。如果bybit平台继续采取这种不负责任的态度,我们将不得不考虑采取抵制行动,以维护我们的权益和尊严。我们呼吁平台方能够正视用户的声音,积极回应并妥善处理此事。#bybit #story #StoryAirdrop
bybit平台在Story Airdrop项目在活动结束后9天再次修改规则,新增“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”这一项规则,这不仅违反了诚信原则,更是对用户的一种欺骗。平台对此事缺乏解释和处理,进一步加剧了用户的不满和失望。如果bybit平台继续采取这种不负责任的态度,我们将不得不考虑采取抵制行动,以维护我们的权益和尊严。我们呼吁平台方能够正视用户的声音,积极回应并妥善处理此事。#bybit #story #StoryAirdrop
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop活动在活动结束后竟然凭空新增了一项 “需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则,这种行为无异于乱改活动规则。这种做法不仅令人不齿,更存在明显的欺骗用户倾向。我们坚决抵制bybit平台这种不负责任、不守诚信的行为,希望广大用户能够擦亮眼睛,共同维护一个公平、透明的交易环境 #StoryIP #IP #story #bybit #StoryAirdrop
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop活动在活动结束后竟然凭空新增了一项 “需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则,这种行为无异于乱改活动规则。这种做法不仅令人不齿,更存在明显的欺骗用户倾向。我们坚决抵制bybit平台这种不负责任、不守诚信的行为,希望广大用户能够擦亮眼睛,共同维护一个公平、透明的交易环境 #StoryIP #IP #story #bybit #StoryAirdrop
bybit对用户进行了隐瞒,私自修改了任务规则,并且是在任务已经结束后,修改了任务规则。意味着所有在当时完成了任务的用户都不符合“新规则“,这是明显的欺诈!#story #bybit Bybit concealed the information from the user and modified the task rules without authorization, even after the task had already ended. This means that all users who completed the task at that time did not comply with the "new rules", which is obvious fraud!
bybit对用户进行了隐瞒,私自修改了任务规则,并且是在任务已经结束后,修改了任务规则。意味着所有在当时完成了任务的用户都不符合“新规则“,这是明显的欺诈!#story #bybit
Bybit concealed the information from the user and modified the task rules without authorization, even after the task had already ended. This means that all users who completed the task at that time did not comply with the "new rules", which is obvious fraud!
在Story Airdrop项目活动结束后9天,平台突然新增了活动规则。这一变动让我们这些积极参与活动的用户感到极度愤怒和失望,仿佛受到了欺骗,我们投入了大量的时间和精力参与这个活动,期望能够按照最初公布的规则获得应有的奖励。然而新增的“需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则却让我们感到被愚弄和忽视。 希望bybit平台能够正视这一问题采取积极的措施来解决问题,并尽快给出一个合理且令人信服的解释。 #story #IP #storyIP #bybit
在Story Airdrop项目活动结束后9天,平台突然新增了活动规则。这一变动让我们这些积极参与活动的用户感到极度愤怒和失望,仿佛受到了欺骗,我们投入了大量的时间和精力参与这个活动,期望能够按照最初公布的规则获得应有的奖励。然而新增的“需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则却让我们感到被愚弄和忽视。
#story #IP #storyIP #bybit
#story #ip bybit平台在Story Airdrop项目在活动结束后9天再次修改规则,新增“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”这一项规则,这不仅违反了诚信原则,更是对用户的一种欺骗。平台对此事缺乏解释和处理,进一步加剧了用户的不满和失望。如果bybit平台继续采取这种不负责任的态度,我们将不得不考虑采取抵制行动,以维护我们的权益和尊严。我们呼吁平台方能够正视用户的声音,积极回应并妥善处理此事。#storyip #StoryToken #bybit
#story #ip bybit平台在Story Airdrop项目在活动结束后9天再次修改规则,新增“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”这一项规则,这不仅违反了诚信原则,更是对用户的一种欺骗。平台对此事缺乏解释和处理,进一步加剧了用户的不满和失望。如果bybit平台继续采取这种不负责任的态度,我们将不得不考虑采取抵制行动,以维护我们的权益和尊严。我们呼吁平台方能够正视用户的声音,积极回应并妥善处理此事。#storyip #StoryToken #bybit
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop活动在活动结束后竟然凭空新增了一项 “需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则,这种行为无异于乱改活动规则。这种做法不仅令人不齿,更存在明显的欺骗用户倾向。我们坚决抵制bybit平台这种不负责任、不守诚信的行为,希望广大用户能够擦亮眼睛,共同维护一个公平、透明的交易环境。#bybit #story
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop活动在活动结束后竟然凭空新增了一项 “需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则,这种行为无异于乱改活动规则。这种做法不仅令人不齿,更存在明显的欺骗用户倾向。我们坚决抵制bybit平台这种不负责任、不守诚信的行为,希望广大用户能够擦亮眼睛,共同维护一个公平、透明的交易环境。#bybit #story
22 часа
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop在活动结束后,我们惊讶地发现Bybit平台竟然在活动规则中新增了一项“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”的要求。这一突如其来的变动,让我们众多用户感到极度气愤与失望,这种行为无疑是对我们用户的极大不尊重与欺骗。作为用户,我们有权利知道并遵守活动的完整规则,而Bybit平台在活动结束后擅自修改规则,严重损害了我们用户的利益与信任。我们坚决抵制Bybit平台这种不负责任、缺乏诚信的行为。#story #IP #StoryToken #bybit
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop在活动结束后,我们惊讶地发现Bybit平台竟然在活动规则中新增了一项“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”的要求。这一突如其来的变动,让我们众多用户感到极度气愤与失望,这种行为无疑是对我们用户的极大不尊重与欺骗。作为用户,我们有权利知道并遵守活动的完整规则,而Bybit平台在活动结束后擅自修改规则,严重损害了我们用户的利益与信任。我们坚决抵制Bybit平台这种不负责任、缺乏诚信的行为。#story #IP #StoryToken #bybit
我们在Story Airdrop活动活动进行期间严格按照Bybit平台所公布的活动规则参与,从未见过“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”新增的规则。然而在活动结束9天后,Bybit平台却单方面地修改了活动规则,这种行为无疑是对我们用户的极大不尊重与欺骗。 我们呼吁所有受到此次事件影响的用户,共同站出来,维护我们的合法权益,抵制Bybit平台这种可耻的欺诈行为。同时,我们也希望Bybit平台能够正视此次事件,给予我们用户一个合理的解释与补偿,以挽回其在我们用户心中的信誉与形象。#bybit #story
我们在Story Airdrop活动活动进行期间严格按照Bybit平台所公布的活动规则参与,从未见过“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”新增的规则。然而在活动结束9天后,Bybit平台却单方面地修改了活动规则,这种行为无疑是对我们用户的极大不尊重与欺骗。
我们呼吁所有受到此次事件影响的用户,共同站出来,维护我们的合法权益,抵制Bybit平台这种可耻的欺诈行为。同时,我们也希望Bybit平台能够正视此次事件,给予我们用户一个合理的解释与补偿,以挽回其在我们用户心中的信誉与形象。#bybit #story
bybit平台在Story Airdrop项目在活动结束后9天再次修改规则,新增“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”这一项规则,这不仅违反了诚信原则,更是对用户的一种欺骗。平台对此事缺乏解释和处理,进一步加剧了用户的不满和失望。如果bybit平台继续采取这种不负责任的态度,我们将不得不考虑采取抵制行动,以维护我们的权益和尊严。我们呼吁平台方能够正视用户的声音,积极回应并妥善处理此事。 bybit对用户进行了隐瞒,私自修改了任务规则,并且是在任务已经结束后,修改了任务规则。意味着所有在当时完成了任务的用户都不符合“新规则“,这是明显的欺诈! Bybit concealed the information from the user and modified the task rules without authorization, even after the task had already ended. This means that all users who completed the task at that time did not comply with the "new rules", which is obvious fraud! #story #ip #storyip #bybit
bybit平台在Story Airdrop项目在活动结束后9天再次修改规则,新增“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”这一项规则,这不仅违反了诚信原则,更是对用户的一种欺骗。平台对此事缺乏解释和处理,进一步加剧了用户的不满和失望。如果bybit平台继续采取这种不负责任的态度,我们将不得不考虑采取抵制行动,以维护我们的权益和尊严。我们呼吁平台方能够正视用户的声音,积极回应并妥善处理此事。
Bybit concealed the information from the user and modified the task rules without authorization, even after the task had already ended. This means that all users who completed the task at that time did not comply with the "new rules", which is obvious fraud!
#story #ip #storyip #bybit
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop活动在活动结束后竟然凭空新增了一项 “需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则,这种行为无异于乱改活动规则。这种做法不仅令人不齿,更存在明显的欺骗用户倾向。我们坚决抵制bybit平台这种不负责任、不守诚信的行为,希望广大用户能够擦亮眼睛,共同维护一个公平、透明的交易环境。#bybit #story
Bybit平台的Story Airdrop活动在活动结束后竟然凭空新增了一项 “需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则,这种行为无异于乱改活动规则。这种做法不仅令人不齿,更存在明显的欺骗用户倾向。我们坚决抵制bybit平台这种不负责任、不守诚信的行为,希望广大用户能够擦亮眼睛,共同维护一个公平、透明的交易环境。#bybit #story
在Story Airdrop项目活动结束后9天,平台突然新增了活动规则。这一变动让我们这些积极参与活动的用户感到极度愤怒和失望,仿佛受到了欺骗,我们投入了大量的时间和精力参与这个活动,期望能够按照最初公布的规则获得应有的奖励。然而新增的“需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则却让我们感到被愚弄和忽视。 希望bybit平台能够正视这一问题采取积极的措施来解决问题,并尽快给出一个合理且令人信服的解释。#ip #story #bybit
在Story Airdrop项目活动结束后9天,平台突然新增了活动规则。这一变动让我们这些积极参与活动的用户感到极度愤怒和失望,仿佛受到了欺骗,我们投入了大量的时间和精力参与这个活动,期望能够按照最初公布的规则获得应有的奖励。然而新增的“需要在 Bybit 钱包中保留 5 USDT 直至活动结束”规则却让我们感到被愚弄和忽视。
希望bybit平台能够正视这一问题采取积极的措施来解决问题,并尽快给出一个合理且令人信服的解释。#ip #story #bybit
我们在Story Airdrop活动活动进行期间严格按照Bybit平台所公布的活动规则参与,从未见过“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”新增的规则。然而在活动结束9天后,Bybit平台却单方面地修改了活动规则,这种行为无疑是对我们用户的极大不尊重与欺骗。 我们呼吁所有受到此次事件影响的用户,共同站出来,维护我们的合法权益,抵制Bybit平台这种可耻的欺诈行为。同时,我们也希望Bybit平台能够正视此次事件,给予我们用户一个合理的解释与补偿,以挽回其在我们用户心中的信誉与形象。#bybit #story
我们在Story Airdrop活动活动进行期间严格按照Bybit平台所公布的活动规则参与,从未见过“需要在Bybit钱包中保留5 USDT直至活动结束”新增的规则。然而在活动结束9天后,Bybit平台却单方面地修改了活动规则,这种行为无疑是对我们用户的极大不尊重与欺骗。
我们呼吁所有受到此次事件影响的用户,共同站出来,维护我们的合法权益,抵制Bybit平台这种可耻的欺诈行为。同时,我们也希望Bybit平台能够正视此次事件,给予我们用户一个合理的解释与补偿,以挽回其在我们用户心中的信誉与形象。#bybit #story
4 часа
#story , vision and strategy decide a candlestick pattern
#story , vision and strategy decide a candlestick pattern
Behind every candlestick is a decision, a strategy, and a story.
Top 5 Made in USA Coins To Watch For The Third Week of MarchMade in USA cryptos to watch this week include XRP, Pi Network (PI), Story (IP), Jupiter (JUP), and Aerodrome Finance (AERO). XRP is leading in market cap, while PI is coming off one of the largest token launches in recent history. IP has been one of the top performers recently, while JUP and AERO are under pressure despite strong fundamentals. Here’s a breakdown of how these five Made in USA cryptos are setting up for the third week of March. XRP XRP is currently one of the largest Made in USA cryptos by market cap. Over the past month, its price has dropped nearly 17%, but it has rebounded in the last week with a gain of almost 6%. This recent recovery is attracting attention as traders watch for signs of a sustained trend reversal. XRP Price Analysis. Source: TradingView. There is growing speculation that the SEC might reclassify XRP as a commodity. Any positive developments in the SEC vs XRP case could serve as a major bullish trigger. A few months ago, similar news sparked a rally in XRP and boosted activity across its ecosystem, including sharp gains in related meme coins. If XRP can maintain this momentum and build an uptrend, it could target the resistance at $2.47. A breakout above this level might open the door for a move toward $2.64, and potentially even $3 if bullish sentiment strengthens. On the downside, a return to bearish conditions could push XRP back to the $2.21 support, and if broken, further losses down to $1.90 are possible. Pi Network (PI) PI was one of the largest crypto launches in recent history, quickly reaching a market cap close to $20 billion. However, the token has been under pressure, correcting by over 20% in the past 30 days. Its market cap has now dropped below $10 billion as bearish sentiment continues to weigh on price action. PI Price Analysis. Source: TradingView. In recent days, PI has faced growing criticism following the rollout of its .pi domains, which some in the community have questioned. Additionally, a significant sell-off took place after the token’s mainnet migration, adding further downside pressure and contributing to its recent decline. If the current downtrend persists, PI price could test the support at $1.23, and a breakdown could push it below $1.20, marking its lowest level since February 22. However, if the token manages to reverse momentum and regain an uptrend, it could challenge the resistance at $1.57, with further upside potential toward $1.82. A strong rally could even see PI testing $1.98 and possibly $2.35, breaking above $2 for the first time since March 1. Story (IP) IP is currently one of the best-performing altcoins over the past 30 days, with its price surging nearly 235%. The rally has pushed its market cap to almost $1.4 billion, making it one of the standout tokens in the market during this period. IP Price Analysis. Source: TradingView. In the last few days, IP has entered a consolidation phase, with price action slowing down after its impressive run. However, if momentum returns and an uptrend is established, IP could challenge key resistance levels at $6.66 and $6.96. A breakout above these levels might open the door for a push toward $7.95 and possibly beyond $8, setting new all-time highs. On the flip side, if selling pressure increases and a correction takes hold, IP could first retest the $5 support level. If this level fails to hold, further downside could lead to a decline toward $4.49, and in a deeper pullback, the price could even fall to $3.65. Jupiter (JUP) Jupiter, like most major Solana-based tokens and other Made in USA cryptos, has experienced a sharp correction over the past 30 days, with its price dropping nearly 45%. This decline mirrors the broader sell-off seen across the Solana ecosystem as market conditions remain challenging. JUP Price Analysis. Source: TradingView. Even with the recent pullback, Jupiter continues to be one of the most profitable businesses in the crypto space. As one of the largest aggregators in the market, it generated $27 million in revenue over the past seven days, ranking just behind Tether and Circle as one of the highest-earning protocols. If the Solana ecosystem stages a recovery, JUP could benefit significantly, with price targets at $0.54, $0.598, and $0.63 as key resistance levels. A strong uptrend could even push the token toward $0.86. However, if the downtrend persists, JUP may retest the support at $0.48 and $0.44, and a further decline could see it fall below $0.40 for the first time ever. Aerodrome Finance (AERO) AERO is the largest DEX focused on the Base chain ecosystem and has recently benefited from the growing interest in this network. Over the past week, Aerodrome has generated $1 million in fees, outperforming notable players such as Trokan, BONKbot, and GMGN, solidifying its position as a key player in the Base ecosystem. AERO Price Analysis. Source: TradingView. However, despite its strong fundamentals, AERO’s price has been under pressure, correcting more than 38% over the last 30 days. The token is now trading at its lowest level since October 2024, reflecting the broader volatility across the market. If the downtrend persists, AERO could soon retest the support level at $0.48. On the flip side, if buying momentum returns and AERO establishes an uptrend, it could move toward resistance at $0.56 and $0.61. A breakout above these levels could open the door for a rally toward $0.67 and potentially $0.739. $XRP #StablecoinSurge #story #piNetwork #Aerodrome #Jupiter $JUP

Top 5 Made in USA Coins To Watch For The Third Week of March

Made in USA cryptos to watch this week include XRP, Pi Network (PI), Story (IP), Jupiter (JUP), and Aerodrome Finance (AERO). XRP is leading in market cap, while PI is coming off one of the largest token launches in recent history.
IP has been one of the top performers recently, while JUP and AERO are under pressure despite strong fundamentals. Here’s a breakdown of how these five Made in USA cryptos are setting up for the third week of March.
XRP is currently one of the largest Made in USA cryptos by market cap. Over the past month, its price has dropped nearly 17%, but it has rebounded in the last week with a gain of almost 6%. This recent recovery is attracting attention as traders watch for signs of a sustained trend reversal.

XRP Price Analysis. Source: TradingView.
There is growing speculation that the SEC might reclassify XRP as a commodity. Any positive developments in the SEC vs XRP case could serve as a major bullish trigger.
A few months ago, similar news sparked a rally in XRP and boosted activity across its ecosystem, including sharp gains in related meme coins.
If XRP can maintain this momentum and build an uptrend, it could target the resistance at $2.47. A breakout above this level might open the door for a move toward $2.64, and potentially even $3 if bullish sentiment strengthens.
On the downside, a return to bearish conditions could push XRP back to the $2.21 support, and if broken, further losses down to $1.90 are possible.
Pi Network (PI)
PI was one of the largest crypto launches in recent history, quickly reaching a market cap close to $20 billion. However, the token has been under pressure, correcting by over 20% in the past 30 days. Its market cap has now dropped below $10 billion as bearish sentiment continues to weigh on price action.

PI Price Analysis. Source: TradingView.
In recent days, PI has faced growing criticism following the rollout of its .pi domains, which some in the community have questioned.

Additionally, a significant sell-off took place after the token’s mainnet migration, adding further downside pressure and contributing to its recent decline.

If the current downtrend persists, PI price could test the support at $1.23, and a breakdown could push it below $1.20, marking its lowest level since February 22.

However, if the token manages to reverse momentum and regain an uptrend, it could challenge the resistance at $1.57, with further upside potential toward $1.82. A strong rally could even see PI testing $1.98 and possibly $2.35, breaking above $2 for the first time since March 1.
Story (IP)
IP is currently one of the best-performing altcoins over the past 30 days, with its price surging nearly 235%. The rally has pushed its market cap to almost $1.4 billion, making it one of the standout tokens in the market during this period.

IP Price Analysis. Source: TradingView.
In the last few days, IP has entered a consolidation phase, with price action slowing down after its impressive run. However, if momentum returns and an uptrend is established, IP could challenge key resistance levels at $6.66 and $6.96.

A breakout above these levels might open the door for a push toward $7.95 and possibly beyond $8, setting new all-time highs.

On the flip side, if selling pressure increases and a correction takes hold, IP could first retest the $5 support level. If this level fails to hold, further downside could lead to a decline toward $4.49, and in a deeper pullback, the price could even fall to $3.65.

Jupiter (JUP)
Jupiter, like most major Solana-based tokens and other Made in USA cryptos, has experienced a sharp correction over the past 30 days, with its price dropping nearly 45%. This decline mirrors the broader sell-off seen across the Solana ecosystem as market conditions remain challenging.

JUP Price Analysis. Source: TradingView.
Even with the recent pullback, Jupiter continues to be one of the most profitable businesses in the crypto space. As one of the largest aggregators in the market, it generated $27 million in revenue over the past seven days, ranking just behind Tether and Circle as one of the highest-earning protocols.
If the Solana ecosystem stages a recovery, JUP could benefit significantly, with price targets at $0.54, $0.598, and $0.63 as key resistance levels.
A strong uptrend could even push the token toward $0.86. However, if the downtrend persists, JUP may retest the support at $0.48 and $0.44, and a further decline could see it fall below $0.40 for the first time ever.
Aerodrome Finance (AERO)
AERO is the largest DEX focused on the Base chain ecosystem and has recently benefited from the growing interest in this network.
Over the past week, Aerodrome has generated $1 million in fees, outperforming notable players such as Trokan, BONKbot, and GMGN, solidifying its position as a key player in the Base ecosystem.

AERO Price Analysis. Source: TradingView.
However, despite its strong fundamentals, AERO’s price has been under pressure, correcting more than 38% over the last 30 days. The token is now trading at its lowest level since October 2024, reflecting the broader volatility across the market.

If the downtrend persists, AERO could soon retest the support level at $0.48.

On the flip side, if buying momentum returns and AERO establishes an uptrend, it could move toward resistance at $0.56 and $0.61. A breakout above these levels could open the door for a rally toward $0.67 and potentially $0.739.
$XRP #StablecoinSurge #story
15.08.2024 г.
Kiarash Hossainpour: How a Young Nerd Became a Crypto Millionaire 🚀💸Kiarash Hossainpour’s journey from a self-proclaimed "young nerd" to a crypto millionaire is a modern-day success story that epitomizes the transformative power of digital currencies. At a time when most people were just beginning to hear about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Hossainpour was already deeply immersed in the world of blockchain technology, eventually turning his passion and knowledge into a fortune. The Early Days: A Passion for Technology 💻 Kiarash Hossainpour, like many tech enthusiasts, was fascinated by computers and digital technology from a young age. His early years were marked by a deep curiosity about how things worked, leading him to explore programming, computer systems, and eventually, the emerging world of cryptocurrencies. When Bitcoin first began to gain traction, Hossainpour was intrigued not only by the technology behind it but also by its potential to disrupt traditional financial systems. Unlike many of his peers, who might have seen Bitcoin as just another internet fad, Hossainpour saw an opportunity to be part of something revolutionary. 🌐 The Leap into Crypto: From Curiosity to Investment 💡 Hossainpour’s initial interest in cryptocurrency quickly turned into a serious investment strategy. Recognizing the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies early on, he began to invest whatever funds he could muster into these digital assets. His understanding of the technology gave him the confidence to hold onto his investments, even as the market experienced extreme volatility. His ability to stay the course during the turbulent early years of cryptocurrency would later prove to be a wise decision. As the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies began to soar, so did Hossainpour’s net worth. 📈 Building Wealth and Influence: The Rise of a Crypto Millionaire 💰 As Hossainpour’s investments grew, so did his influence in the crypto community. He began sharing his knowledge and insights through various platforms, quickly becoming a respected figure in the world of digital currency. His journey wasn’t just about making money—it was about educating others and helping them understand the complexities and opportunities of the crypto market. Through his YouTube channel and other social media platforms, Hossainpour offered advice, market analysis, and educational content, amassing a large following of people eager to learn from his experience. His ability to break down complex concepts into easily digestible information made him a trusted voice in the community. 🎥 Lessons from Kiarash Hossainpour’s Journey 📚 The story of Kiarash Hossainpour is filled with valuable lessons for anyone interested in cryptocurrency or entrepreneurship: 1. Early Adoption Pays Off: Hossainpour’s success is a testament to the benefits of recognizing potential early. His willingness to dive into the world of cryptocurrency when it was still in its infancy allowed him to capitalize on the exponential growth of the market. 2. Knowledge is Power: Hossainpour’s deep understanding of blockchain technology gave him the confidence to invest and hold onto his assets through market fluctuations. His expertise also allowed him to educate others, further cementing his position in the crypto world. 3. Persistence Through Volatility: The cryptocurrency market is known for its wild price swings. Hossainpour’s ability to remain calm and committed during these periods of uncertainty was crucial to his long-term success. 4. Sharing Success: Hossainpour’s journey wasn’t just about personal wealth. He dedicated significant time and effort to sharing his knowledge with others, helping them navigate the often-confusing world of cryptocurrency. Conclusion 🌟 Kiarash Hossainpour’s transformation from a tech-savvy youngster to a crypto millionaire is a story that inspires and educates. His journey underscores the importance of early adoption, continuous learning, and resilience in the face of market volatility. As cryptocurrency continues to evolve, Hossainpour’s story serves as a powerful reminder of what’s possible when passion meets opportunity. ---------------------‐---------- $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) #NewsAboutCrypto #BinanceSquareFamily #story #Market_Update #SuperMacho

Kiarash Hossainpour: How a Young Nerd Became a Crypto Millionaire 🚀💸

Kiarash Hossainpour’s journey from a self-proclaimed "young nerd" to a crypto millionaire is a modern-day success story that epitomizes the transformative power of digital currencies. At a time when most people were just beginning to hear about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Hossainpour was already deeply immersed in the world of blockchain technology, eventually turning his passion and knowledge into a fortune.

The Early Days: A Passion for Technology 💻

Kiarash Hossainpour, like many tech enthusiasts, was fascinated by computers and digital technology from a young age. His early years were marked by a deep curiosity about how things worked, leading him to explore programming, computer systems, and eventually, the emerging world of cryptocurrencies.

When Bitcoin first began to gain traction, Hossainpour was intrigued not only by the technology behind it but also by its potential to disrupt traditional financial systems. Unlike many of his peers, who might have seen Bitcoin as just another internet fad, Hossainpour saw an opportunity to be part of something revolutionary. 🌐

The Leap into Crypto: From Curiosity to Investment 💡

Hossainpour’s initial interest in cryptocurrency quickly turned into a serious investment strategy. Recognizing the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies early on, he began to invest whatever funds he could muster into these digital assets. His understanding of the technology gave him the confidence to hold onto his investments, even as the market experienced extreme volatility.

His ability to stay the course during the turbulent early years of cryptocurrency would later prove to be a wise decision. As the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies began to soar, so did Hossainpour’s net worth. 📈

Building Wealth and Influence: The Rise of a Crypto Millionaire 💰

As Hossainpour’s investments grew, so did his influence in the crypto community. He began sharing his knowledge and insights through various platforms, quickly becoming a respected figure in the world of digital currency. His journey wasn’t just about making money—it was about educating others and helping them understand the complexities and opportunities of the crypto market.

Through his YouTube channel and other social media platforms, Hossainpour offered advice, market analysis, and educational content, amassing a large following of people eager to learn from his experience. His ability to break down complex concepts into easily digestible information made him a trusted voice in the community. 🎥

Lessons from Kiarash Hossainpour’s Journey 📚

The story of Kiarash Hossainpour is filled with valuable lessons for anyone interested in cryptocurrency or entrepreneurship:

1. Early Adoption Pays Off: Hossainpour’s success is a testament to the benefits of recognizing potential early. His willingness to dive into the world of cryptocurrency when it was still in its infancy allowed him to capitalize on the exponential growth of the market.

2. Knowledge is Power: Hossainpour’s deep understanding of blockchain technology gave him the confidence to invest and hold onto his assets through market fluctuations. His expertise also allowed him to educate others, further cementing his position in the crypto world.

3. Persistence Through Volatility: The cryptocurrency market is known for its wild price swings. Hossainpour’s ability to remain calm and committed during these periods of uncertainty was crucial to his long-term success.

4. Sharing Success: Hossainpour’s journey wasn’t just about personal wealth. He dedicated significant time and effort to sharing his knowledge with others, helping them navigate the often-confusing world of cryptocurrency.

Conclusion 🌟

Kiarash Hossainpour’s transformation from a tech-savvy youngster to a crypto millionaire is a story that inspires and educates. His journey underscores the importance of early adoption, continuous learning, and resilience in the face of market volatility. As cryptocurrency continues to evolve, Hossainpour’s story serves as a powerful reminder of what’s possible when passion meets opportunity.
#NewsAboutCrypto #BinanceSquareFamily #story #Market_Update #SuperMacho
兄弟们,IP又有一堆人要麻了,今天公布空投预期了 Story代币经济学: 38.4% 生态系统+社区 10% 初始奖励 10% 基础 21.6% 早期支持者 20% 核心贡献者 初始供应量:10亿$IP 初始解锁供应量:25% 估计这一波又要诞生好多百万千万富翁了!!! 我发现币安Web3钱包还有俩个任务可以做,赶紧搞起来 story在币安web3钱包第四个活动 第3个答案选择C story币安web3第五个活动 第3个任务答案:D #Ip #story

38.4% 生态系统+社区
10% 初始奖励
10% 基础
21.6% 早期支持者
20% 核心贡献者






#Ip #story
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