According to Odaily, Sonne Finance has proposed a solution to a recent hacker attack. The DeFi lending protocol company has offered to provide the attacker with a 10% bounty of the stolen funds if they return the remaining 90%. If the attacker agrees to this proposal, they will be considered a white-hat hacker.

Previously, it was reported that Sonne Finance had been attacked by hackers, with losses exceeding $20 million. The company's proposed solution is an attempt to recover the majority of these funds and mitigate the damage caused by the attack.

The offer to the attacker is a unique approach to dealing with such incidents. By offering a bounty, Sonne Finance hopes to incentivize the return of the stolen funds. The classification of the attacker as a white-hat hacker, should they agree to the proposal, is also an interesting aspect of this solution.

This incident highlights the ongoing security challenges faced by DeFi lending protocol companies. Despite the potential risks, these companies continue to innovate and find new ways to deal with threats and attacks. The approach taken by Sonne Finance could potentially set a precedent for how similar incidents are handled in the future.