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Max Cryptobuddy
📣💡Crypto is now a partisan issue, says ex-Coinbase exec Balaji Srinivasan. He argues that digital assets appeal to "American conservatives" and "Chinese Liberals" - groups not typically represented by Democrats. 🔵🔴Crypto is seen as a tool for "small countries and dispossessed minorities," offering power to those without state influence. Dems & Communists, who control powerful states, don't benefit from crypto, but everyone else does. 💰🏦Top employers' employees (Microsoft, Amazon, Google, US govt) primarily donate to Democrats, suggesting they have the most money. Crypto is to the right of American Democrats and the left of Chinese Communists, says Balaji. 🚫🌏Both China and Russia have banned crypto as a payment method, citing economic instability. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is known for opposing pro-crypto legislation. 🔄🗳️Interestingly, former President Donald Trump has reversed his anti-crypto stance, embracing the industry ahead of his election rematch with Biden. Thoughts on this? Let's chat below!👇 #Crypto #Politics

📣💡Crypto is now a partisan issue, says ex-Coinbase exec Balaji Srinivasan. He argues that digital assets appeal to "American conservatives" and "Chinese Liberals" - groups not typically represented by Democrats.

🔵🔴Crypto is seen as a tool for "small countries and dispossessed minorities," offering power to those without state influence. Dems & Communists, who control powerful states, don't benefit from crypto, but everyone else does.

💰🏦Top employers' employees (Microsoft, Amazon, Google, US govt) primarily donate to Democrats, suggesting they have the most money. Crypto is to the right of American Democrats and the left of Chinese Communists, says Balaji.

🚫🌏Both China and Russia have banned crypto as a payment method, citing economic instability. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is known for opposing pro-crypto legislation.

🔄🗳️Interestingly, former President Donald Trump has reversed his anti-crypto stance, embracing the industry ahead of his election rematch with Biden.

Thoughts on this? Let's chat below!👇 #Crypto #Politics

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