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Dogwifhat Price Eyes Rally to $6 Following $4.2 Million Whale Investment. The Dogwifhat Price trapped in a narrow range formation seeks a decisive breakout to trigger a directional rally. When should you enter? Dogwifhat Price: With Bitcoin price upswing from $60000, the cryptocurrency market witnessed ease from the early week sell-off. While the renewed recovery momentum uplifted a majority of major cryptocurrencies, the Meme sector provides assets with the highest gainers sticking to their traditional nature as rapidly moving coins. According to the latest data from Coinmarketcap, the leading Meme cryptocurrency boasts a market capitalization of $51.2 billion, reflecting a daily surge of 2%. Dogwifhat, the Solana-base meme cryptocurrency has been trading sideways for a month now, resonating with two horizontal levels, $3.57 and $2.2. The coin price rebounded thrice from both levels indicating no clear dominance from buyers to sellers so far. However, Lookonchain recently reported a significant transaction where a "whale" investor bought 1.4 million WIF tokens for a $4.2 million USD Coin (USDC). This purchase was made for $2.99 per WIF. The investor, an early trader of WIF, has accrued over $8 million in profits from trading this cryptocurrency. This transaction underscores the whale's confidence in WIF's potential and hints at a bullish recovery. Therefore, with the Bitcoin price projecting bottom formation at $60000, the altcoin market could witness accelerated buying pressure. Thus, the WIF price is likely to break the overhead resistance of $3.57 which will release the buildup bullish momentum. The post-breakout rally could bolster the Dogwifhat coin to challenge the $4.85 and target the $6 mark. However, on a contrary note, if the post-Bitcoin halving correction prolongs, the WIF price could tease a breakdown below $2.2. A price slip below $2.26 will accelerate the selling pressure and lead to a prolonged correction to $1.75.

Dogwifhat Price Eyes Rally to $6 Following $4.2 Million Whale Investment.

The Dogwifhat Price trapped in a narrow range formation seeks a decisive breakout to trigger a directional rally. When should you enter?

Dogwifhat Price: With Bitcoin price upswing from $60000, the cryptocurrency market witnessed ease from the early week sell-off. While the renewed recovery momentum uplifted a majority of major cryptocurrencies, the Meme sector provides assets with the highest gainers sticking to their traditional nature as rapidly moving coins. According to the latest data from Coinmarketcap, the leading Meme cryptocurrency boasts a market capitalization of $51.2 billion, reflecting a daily surge of 2%.

Dogwifhat, the Solana-base meme cryptocurrency has been trading sideways for a month now, resonating with two horizontal levels, $3.57 and $2.2. The coin price rebounded thrice from both levels indicating no clear dominance from buyers to sellers so far.

However, Lookonchain recently reported a significant transaction where a "whale" investor bought 1.4 million WIF tokens for a $4.2 million USD Coin (USDC). This purchase was made for $2.99 per WIF. The investor, an early trader of WIF, has accrued over $8 million in profits from trading this cryptocurrency. This transaction underscores the whale's confidence in WIF's potential and hints at a bullish recovery.

Therefore, with the Bitcoin price projecting bottom formation at $60000, the altcoin market could witness accelerated buying pressure. Thus, the WIF price is likely to break the overhead resistance of $3.57 which will release the buildup bullish momentum.

The post-breakout rally could bolster the Dogwifhat coin to challenge the $4.85 and target the $6 mark.

However, on a contrary note, if the post-Bitcoin halving correction prolongs, the WIF price could tease a breakdown below $2.2. A price slip below $2.26 will accelerate the selling pressure and lead to a prolonged correction to $1.75.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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Shiba Inu: 58 Trillion SHIB Sparks Bull-Bear Faceoff. Dog-themed cryptocurrency Shiba Inu (SHIB) faces a critical juncture in its price action. The market is on high alert as a colossal amount of 58 trillion SHIB becomes the center of a fierce tug-of-war between bullish and bearish forces. After several days of attempting to surpass the daily SMA 50 barrier at $0.0000247, Shiba Inu succumbed to bears, retreating to lows of $0.00002352 in today's trading session. At the time of writing, SHIB was down 0.65% in the last 24 hours to $0.000024, suggesting an ongoing battle between bulls and bears. According to Into TheBlock data, 58.18 trillion SHIB were bought by 57,380 addresses in Shiba Inu's current trading range between $0.000023 and $0.000025 at an average price of $0.000024. This threshold has emerged as a battleground where the short-term trajectory of SHIB's value might be determined. Bulls, optimistic traders betting on the price increase, are rallying to defend this level, hoping to spark a price increase for SHIB price. On the other side, bears, the pessimists of the market, are pushing back, aiming to drive the price down and capitalize on a potential decline. The significance of the 58 trillion SHIB threshold cannot be overstated, representing a point of convergence for market forces and investor sentiment. A strong defense of this level by the bulls could signal renewed confidence in the token's potential, suggesting that SHIB could be gearing up for a price increase. Conversely, if the bears manage to breach this threshold, it could indicate a loss of support for SHIB, potentially leading to a decline in price. Such a scenario would affect the immediate market value of SHIB. In the event of a price rebound, a successful breach of the daily SMA 50 might be needed to kickstart a fresh uptrend for SHIB price, with targets on $0.000032 or even $0.000045. On the other hand, if bears gain the upper hand, Shiba Inu might persist in its current range with support at $0.000018 and $0.00002. #MemeWatch2024
Dogecoin (DOGE) Faces Whale Drama as Key Metric Drops 86%. In the past 24 hours, Dogecoin (DOGE), the most popular meme cryptocurrency, has been witness to worrying on-chain developments. According to data provided by Into TheBlock, there has been a notable decline of almost 86% in the Large Holders Inflow metric. This metric tracks the movement of funds into addresses held by large investors, or whales. Large Holders Inflow fell from 428.72 million DOGE to 62.63 million DOGE, equating to approximately $9.45 million. Such a decrease indicates a substantial reduction in buying activity among these major stakeholders. Typically, a decrease in this metric suggests a decrease in purchasing activity, as many large holders tend to acquire assets on centralized exchanges before transferring them to cold storage. Additionally, Large Holders Netflow, which provides insight into the position changes of whales and investors holding over 0.1% of the supply, has seen a significant decline. Last week, it entered positive territory at 411.69 million DOGE but has since fallen to 31.71 million DOGE. This shift in netflow suggests a change in sentiment among large players, potentially indicating reduced positions or selling. What about Dogecoin (DOGE) price? Simultaneously, Dogecoin's price has seen mixed trends over the past day, with a loss of 2.57% recorded yesterday and a further 1.46% decline today. Presently, the cryptocurrency is trading at $0.152 per DOGE. The implications of the decrease in whale activity on the price of Dogecoin dynamics are worth noting. Historically, the actions of large holders have had a significant impact on market movements. Therefore, the sudden decline in whale activity could lead to increased market volatility or signal changes in sentiment among institutional investors. #MemeWatch2024

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