Binance Square
The current Highest Bitcoin holder Changed or Still same entity ? Who owns the highest amount of Bitcoin worldwide now ? A United States software company now owns more bitcoins than any single country after taking its bitcoin holdings to more than $14 billion which is worth £11bn 😳😲 🔥 🚀 In it's latest financial results disclosed, MicroStrategy announced that it bought 25,250 bitcoins in the first four months of 2024, taking its total to 214,400 Bitcoin – more than 1% of all bitcoins in existence. If I may ask, are you currently holding Bitcoin ? if no, what could be the reason ? or you are just trading it for stablecoins? me? I'm holding some 😁🫶 #Crypto_Angel

The current Highest Bitcoin holder Changed or Still same entity ?

Who owns the highest amount of Bitcoin worldwide now ?

A United States software company now owns more bitcoins than any single country after taking its bitcoin holdings to more than $14 billion which is worth £11bn 😳😲 🔥 🚀

In it's latest financial results disclosed, MicroStrategy announced that it bought 25,250 bitcoins in the first four months of 2024, taking its total to 214,400 Bitcoin – more than 1% of all bitcoins in existence.

If I may ask, are you currently holding Bitcoin ? if no, what could be the reason ?

or you are just trading it for stablecoins?

me? I'm holding some 😁🫶


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