Binance Square
Coin Breakdown
Why BNB is my 2nd biggest bag in crypto investment? Short answer: because of its utility. The long answer: 1. BNB is the native coin of binance (biggest crypto exchange in the world). Reputation matters. 2. BNB is the native coin of BSC (Binance Smart Chain) Which is in the top 5 chains in the cryptocurrency. Used to pay for gas fees for each transaction. 3. Is being used to pay for transaction fees on binance exchange. 4. Has a staking system (gives rewards for staking BNB coins). 5. In demand for Launchpool and #lauchpad projects. 6. Used for potential airdrops on binance web3 wallet. 7. Proven track record of success. These are the points from many benefits it has.

Why BNB is my 2nd biggest bag in crypto investment?

Short answer: because of its utility.

The long answer:

1. BNB is the native coin of binance (biggest crypto exchange in the world). Reputation matters.

2. BNB is the native coin of BSC (Binance Smart Chain) Which is in the top 5 chains in the cryptocurrency. Used to pay for gas fees for each transaction.

3. Is being used to pay for transaction fees on binance exchange.

4. Has a staking system (gives rewards for staking BNB coins).

5. In demand for Launchpool and #lauchpad projects.

6. Used for potential airdrops on binance web3 wallet.

7. Proven track record of success.

These are the points from many benefits it has.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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