Binance Square
LTO/USDT Hits my first target☑️ +87.5% clear profit received💰 Looking for a break of the supply zone and next one to be hit✈️ #Crypto Total Market Cap We are testing the Major Supply Zone👀 Just a calm before the storm🌪 As breakout leads to the Main Market Rally (price discovery)📈 🟢Main Scenario - Breakout of the Supply after the Halving Event 🔴Worst Case Scenario - Correction before the breakout (it's expected not to be lower than cluster of Ascending Trendline + blue support zone) It's still a great opportunity to accumulate $BTC & $Alts before the Market really takes off🚀#BullorBear #Nonfarm #SHIB


Hits my first target☑️

+87.5% clear profit received💰

Looking for a break of the supply zone and next one to be hit✈️

#Crypto Total Market Cap

We are testing the Major Supply Zone👀

Just a calm before the storm🌪 As breakout leads to the Main Market Rally (price discovery)📈

🟢Main Scenario - Breakout of the Supply after the Halving Event

🔴Worst Case Scenario - Correction before the breakout (it's expected not to be lower than cluster of Ascending Trendline + blue support zone)

It's still a great opportunity to accumulate $BTC & $Alts before the Market really takes off🚀#BullorBear #Nonfarm #SHIB

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