Binance Square
The Bitcoin halving event, scheduled in the next 15 days, could potentially trigger a bull run lasting several months, according to historical data. Crypto data analytics platform Kaiko predicts a new price peak for BTC within nine to twelve months post-halving. Historically, Bitcoin's value tends to increase within a year post-halving, making it a bullish event. The upcoming halving will reduce miners' rewards for validating transactions by half, from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC. Post previous halvings in 2012, 2016, and 2020, BTC recorded returns of 9,000%, 4,000%, and 700%, respectively, within 12 months. Analysts predict a possible 200% increase this time. BTC is currently in the pre-halving danger zone, experiencing significant price slumps before a potential dramatic uptrend post-halving. However, Coinbase warns that the halving event is not the only factor influencing BTC's price. Other macroeconomic factors, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve rate cuts, selling pressure from miners, emerging companies from bankruptcy, and the spot Bitcoin ETF market, also play a role. Despite this, Bitcoin's rise may exceed analysts' expectations due to its accessibility to a wide range of investors, including institutions.

The Bitcoin halving event, scheduled in the next 15 days, could potentially trigger a bull run lasting several months, according to historical data. Crypto data analytics platform Kaiko predicts a new price peak for BTC within nine to twelve months post-halving.

Historically, Bitcoin's value tends to increase within a year post-halving, making it a bullish event. The upcoming halving will reduce miners' rewards for validating transactions by half, from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC.

Post previous halvings in 2012, 2016, and 2020, BTC recorded returns of 9,000%, 4,000%, and 700%, respectively, within 12 months. Analysts predict a possible 200% increase this time.

BTC is currently in the pre-halving danger zone, experiencing significant price slumps before a potential dramatic uptrend post-halving.

However, Coinbase warns that the halving event is not the only factor influencing BTC's price. Other macroeconomic factors, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve rate cuts, selling pressure from miners, emerging companies from bankruptcy, and the spot Bitcoin ETF market, also play a role.

Despite this, Bitcoin's rise may exceed analysts' expectations due to its accessibility to a wide range of investors, including institutions.

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