Recently a Binance Square User Posted his P2P Scam Story as:
P2P Scam Bank Account Freeze (My Story)
I have done some p2p transaction sold some USDT , I see that people are doing p2p and making money easily
Note: This is my real story, it's long article because I have mentioned everything what I feel, what I did , how much struggle i did to unblock my bank account. Request you read only if you have time 🙏🙏 (A Small Village Guy Story)
I thought I can easily earn by doing p2p but unfortunately it's not as easy as i think.
After doing some p2p transaction, i received a message from my HDFC Bank where mentioned this.
We have placed a debit withdrawal block on your SB bank Account, Reason policy violation
I don't understand what actually happened, when I tried to pay someone, showing 'Account blocked'
The main thing is, that is my primary account, all of my saving having on this account only.
Immediately i have opened my netbanking app to see what happens and Found Rs.3115 on hold Reason mentioned 'Cyber Cell Complaint' you can check this screenshot below-
I'm trying to find out who paid me this amount, but i didn't found any, also checked p2p orders but i don't found any of that particular amount order.
I'm really helpless on during the time. But I have taken action, let's see what I have done to unfreeze my bank account.
Things I have done to unfreeze My Account
I have mailed to my bank support to know why my account freeze
I had been a premium customer of my bank (They provide a Personal Manager for Premium Customer)
I have tried to reach my manager through Call and Mail but i didn't got any response
I have mentioned my issue on (Twitter)
Finally after 2 days i receive a mail regarding my bank account freeze
They have mentioned all the details such as Acknowledgement number, Cyber Cell Name, and Transaction Number
Then I have found that someone paid me Rs.29000 for this transaction my account frozen
Then, immediately i contacted to the person who paid this amount, I said my bank account freeze due to your transaction,
He said, no my bank account is ok , how it's possible, I said my hold amount Rs.3115 and placed debit blocked.
He said, ok I will see from my end what I can do, after few his phone switched off, no response anywhere (he just runway by taking my usdt)
Now I'm totally broke, as this kind of problem happens first time with me, sometimes i thought cyber police can also reach my home, what to told my family, everyone will think i must done something wrong, how I make them believe.
The main problem is i'm from West Bengal and My account freeze from (Hyderabad) Telengana Madhapur PS which is too long distance to reach there.
I got that cyber cell phone number on Google, called them , i told my bank account freeze but didn't done anything wrong, I just did p2p transaction sold some usdt,. They just told me to visit their cyber cell
Then they disconnected, I tried to call again tomorrow they are not ready to say anything in phone call just saying come here talk face to face.
Now it's been 15 days, I have called my nearest cyber cell they just saying we can't do anything from here as it is out of state matter, go there to solve your problem.
It's really very bad situation for me to handle, i can't even told anyone, no one will understand my problem. This problem can understand only those people who have done p2p.
Day 18, I have called my manager to know what I can do, he just told me bank can only regulise your account when we get permission from authority. And also gave a phone number which mentioned on the complaint copy.
I called on this number , first no one receiving but after calling few times, someone received, I told him due to a fake complaint my bank account frozen.
He said no it's fake complaint, said a complaint registered through online cyber portal, victim lost Rs.31000 on telegram. That is why we freeze the account.
I told him I just did p2p transaction on Binance, someone paid me 29000 and I send him usdt, I have all the proofs.
Police said, you have to come here to solve it
I said , i can't go there due to my bad financial condition, my all the fund having on this account, how can I go there
He said, ok call me later.
Then He (Cyber Police) stopped receiving call, never received just ignoring
After 3 days someone received my call, I told him I want to talk with 'Ramesh' sir, he just gave me another number
I called on given number, received my call and said ok send me everything on mail , (which I did already but again I sent) he also said don't call me always, only text on WhatsApp or mail, (But trust me he never reply on mail nor even check WhatsApp)
Then, again he stopped receiving call, I tried to call both number, again someone received my call and he given me another number.
I'm just thinking Oh God what the hell is going on with me, are they playing with me or what.
I called on new number, a lady police receive my call , I said my problem, she started talking very rudely, she said listen we don't freeze your account, fraud money transferred to your account that's why it's freeze, you have to go through legal process to unfreeze your account, and who gives my personal number, don't call me again, then she cut my call.
I stopped calling on their personal number, but I try to call on first number given my bank but unfortunately no one received.
I send a message by saying (Sir I have to compromise my life by doing nothing)
Once he checked this message, he called me and said , what is this ? Are you scare me? , and said go to your nearest police station now, I said sir it's night , and long distance, I will visit tomorrow and call you , I tried to make him understand, i didn't meant to say which you think, actually my family not understanding me, my family said they will throw me out of home if i'm not able fix it, he said , that's your problem to make them understand not mine, who told you to sell crypto , do you have licence?, I said no
I didn't understand what licence required to trade in Crypto (They really have zero knowledge about Crypto) they can easily track culprit by contacting binance as binance said, if police contact them through the link they given, they will share everything with them but police won't contact (I don't know why)
As I have been said to visit police station, i send him message by which time should visit and what documents need to carry out, but no response, again stopped receiving phone call.
I keep calling everyday because I don't have any other option, 25 days over, i called and this time he received and said , ok visit your station and call me, I have visited my near station they behave like I am a theft (It's an uneducated Village Faadi) They just know how to collect money from poor people. They said what to if you Bank Account Freeze then go to bank, nothing gonna happen here. They are judging without listening anything, one police officer said to another offer it's ATM fraud case.
I'm be like Oh God (Which world is this), I just leave from there and called my nearest cyber cell again, i told them everything but they again said nothing will happen here go there only, if you still wanna visit here then come but same words you will listen.
Then, I called Telengana Cyber cell again, and said what my local cyber police said, he said ok , I will talk later .
I called tomorrow again, I have been said I told you not to call, if you call again and again then it will not fix, I said it's been a month my account freeze, I need money, my family depends on me, he said I have to wait, I said if I visit there will my account unfreeze?, said no , it will take time even if you came here.
I awaited and waited but never going to end my waiting as the police are too lazy, even I also said i will refund hold amount Rs.3115 but he not agreed, said even if you gonna refund wole fraud amount, your account will still remain freeze.
I have stated watching video on YouTube to get a solution but no proper solution there, everyone said they visited cyber cell then they submitted KYC, Transaction proof, and all the proof, then police send NOC to bank.
But in my case, it's different, police said it will take time, even i send all evidence through mail, i'm also agreed to visit there but nothing going good. (Because , later I am able to know it's small cyber cell , and the police handling my case he is a new officer)
I asked my wife to call cyber cell and ask what to do, because he is not answering my call anymore, he said he is working on it, he will send all the files to DCP then once DCP approved, they will unfreeze my account. (Sound is good but nothing happened)
I made a video on YouTube 'Shared all my problems' someone commented on my video who is also struggling with same situation, and he's case also happen from hydrabad but cyber cell is different , named as (Cyberabad)
He called me said, he is staying on hydrabad since a month due to this problem, he also hired a lawyer, but still nothing fixed
Later I found an High Court Judgement Article where mentioned that "High Court said not to freeze bank account by order from cyber cell , only mark a lein of disputed amount" when police mentioned particular fraud amount (Recover amount) then why bank freeze whole account instead of marking lein.
Immediately i have taken advantage of this judgement, i sent a mail to my bank by saying "Remove debit freeze and keep hold disputed amount until problem fixed, added article link," also mentioned same on Twitter (X handle)
Within 3 days i received a mail, they said this
'Visit your nearest branch with KYC to regulise your account'
Then, I asked my manager when to visit, We need the revocation from the regulators
I said I have received mail from support, he asked me forward the mail, I did, then he talked with his team and after few hours my manager called me and asked yes , come for biometric update (I feel like thank God finally i found a solution) (He called me on Thursday 1 hours before closing bank time)
Saturday and Sunday bank holiday in our country it's my bad
I waited 2 days, visited Monday to my bank, (First time i visited my branch, i opened my bank account online, had done kyc online, i never visited my branch)
I asked there where is bank manager, said why, I told them manager asked me to visit, other bank staff said manager is not here at the moment, I have to wait.
Ok i Waited and then bank manager sent me a message said talk with (a bank staff name mentioned) , I talked with him , he started biometric update, he asked me what happened, I told him everything, his behaviour is really good, due to server issue time taken longer than usual.
After 3 hours of waiting, finally biometric update completed. Then i leave from there
After 2 days I tried to do transaction and it's successful, i understand my account now unblocked, checked my account, hold amount still there but I can use my account..
So if you faced same issue, try to do what i did, definitely your account will unfreeze...
It's been 3 months still no update from cyber cell, I called them few days ago, said same thing they can't say exect time, but once DCP approved, they will send NOC...
If your bank account Frozen, don't get scared, you are not alone, police never come to your home to arrest you, Cyber Police only want to recover net losses amount..(End my P2P Journey) thanks for reading my story. bye! Take care.
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