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🚀 Bitcoin ETF Inflows: Here to Stay? 💰 Bitwise CIO Matt Hougan predicts long-term sustained demand for Bitcoin ETFs after a 20-day road trip meeting financial advisors: 🔸 Some already allocated 3% of clients' portfolios to Bitcoin ETFs 🔸 Others yet to consider it, showing a gap in adoption pace 🔸 National account platforms approving Bitcoin ETF investments this month, some in mid-2025 Hougan believes most professional investors unable to buy Bitcoin ETFs now will change their stance in the next few years. 📈 3% is the new 1% in Bitcoin investment allocation, according to Hougan. With ETFs de-risking the downside, higher allocations make more sense. 💡 What do you think? Is 3% the new ideal allocation for Bitcoin? Share your thoughts below! 👇

🚀 Bitcoin ETF Inflows: Here to Stay? 💰

Bitwise CIO Matt Hougan predicts long-term sustained demand for Bitcoin ETFs after a 20-day road trip meeting financial advisors:

🔸 Some already allocated 3% of clients' portfolios to Bitcoin ETFs

🔸 Others yet to consider it, showing a gap in adoption pace

🔸 National account platforms approving Bitcoin ETF investments this month, some in mid-2025

Hougan believes most professional investors unable to buy Bitcoin ETFs now will change their stance in the next few years. 📈

3% is the new 1% in Bitcoin investment allocation, according to Hougan. With ETFs de-risking the downside, higher allocations make more sense. 💡

What do you think? Is 3% the new ideal allocation for Bitcoin? Share your thoughts below! 👇

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