Hey, let's face it, yes, life is hard.

Sometimes it feels like life’s all fuzzy and confusing. Like it’s going to fall apart like a wooden building in the eye of the hurricane.

Perhaps your marriage has become wobbly lately, or your company just downsized, or you failed to pass an exam that has cost you lots of money and valuable time and now you are feeling depressed, helpless, and hopelessly defeated.

Or, your futures account has just been liquidated. Yeah, it's normal because life happens.

But hey, life could be worse.

Our mind is powerful.

The mind is a powerful force that shapes our lives more than any other aspect. It is crucial to prioritize its well-being and maintain a positive mindset.

However, let's shift our focus from psychology to an uplifting message aimed at encouraging you and fostering positivity for greater success.

Life can undoubtedly present challenges that make it seem difficult at times. Economic hardships, rejections, unemployment, and demanding bosses are just a few examples.

In such moments, it's tempting to dwell on these negative aspects and believe that things cannot improve.

But this perspective is misguided.

Negativity breeds more negativity and rarely leads to positive outcomes.

Its positive results have the potential to bring about meaningful change and improvement.

Therefore, this post intends to interrupt that negative cycle. Take a moment to pause, breathe in the fresh air, and recognize the reasons why you are actually doing well.

Perhaps you haven't reached your desired destination yet, but you are still somewhere along the journey.

It's on the foundation of the good things you currently possess that the better ones you aspire to will find their footing.

Learning to appreciate what you have in the present moment is paramount. It allows you to cultivate gratitude and recognize the value of your current circumstances.

Here are 5 reasons you are doing great:

  1. You Are Alive

A dead man is dead. That is what it is. Dead.

But you are alive. And this alone shows you are not doing badly.

The popular word is: While there’s life, there’s hope

When there's life, there's hope.

And this is true.

Curiosity led me to search for "How many people died this week" on Google.

To my surprise, the search results directed me to a website called Wordometers, where I found statistical data on the estimated number of deaths that have occurred this year and even today.

Here are the figures I came across:

The number of deaths that I came across is indeed significant. Although I attempted to filter the data to obtain specific estimates for each country, like Nigeria, USA, China, etc, unfortunately, that feature was unavailable.

But here's the important point: You are not among the more than 22 million individuals who have passed away this year. You are alive, and that's something to be grateful for.

Remember, the deceased cannot read or experience the joys and challenges of life.

Congratulations on being alive and having the opportunity to make the most of each day.

I appreciate and thank God for your presence in this world.

  1. You Are Sane

I'm sure this might come as a surprise, but having sanity is truly a gift.

Being sane doesn't just refer to avoiding public displays of irrational behavior, such as walking naked in the streets (which is indeed unfortunate).

What I'm emphasizing is that your mind functions well. Your thoughts are rational, and your mental health is intact.

The beauty of having a sane mind is that you have the capacity to learn. This means you can acquire knowledge and skills that can help you become anything you aspire to be.

The ability to learn is a blessing in itself. It opens doors of opportunity and empowers you to grow and achieve your goals. Embrace this gift of learning and make the most of it.

The greatest wealth in Life is the ability to learn. 

The unfortunate aspect of insanity is that it can hold you back. It keeps you stuck in the same state indefinitely until you regain your sanity.

Our hopes for a better job, a fulfilling marriage, children, increased income, making a positive impact, or any other wonderful thing we aspire to, all hinge on the fact that we possess our sanity.

I apologize if this might bring about a somber mood, but the essence of it all is to be grateful.

We must appreciate the sanity we have been blessed with.

Moreover, let us remember to offer prayers for those we know who are in need of restoring their mental well-being. May they find healing and regain the clarity of mind they desire.

  1. You have a bed to sleep

People who are from my hometown, Lagos Nigeria are familiar with life in Lagos and will appreciate this point.

Sometime last year, I had an early morning appointment that required me to leave home earlier than usual, around 5:00 am.

As I made my way through the streets toward my destination in Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria,

I witnessed a sight that deeply touched my heart.

I saw people sleeping on the steps of buildings, on the front porches of shops, and on makeshift mats or hard cardboard.

Some had just woken up from their sleep, while others were still in the process of finding some rest.

The parked tricycles and trucks also provided temporary shelter for some individuals.

It was a heartbreaking scene.

However, I am grateful that you are not in that position. I believe and know that you have a comfortable bed to sleep in and a roof over your head.

We must not forget the countless individuals who are displaced, traversing borders in search of new homes due to war and conflict.

Their struggles serve as a stark reminder of the blessings we have.

Let us be grateful for the safety and security we enjoy, and let us extend our thoughts and prayers to those who are enduring hardships and seeking refuge in various parts of the world.

But you are not.

Be grateful.

And say a prayer for the families in distress in North-East Nigeria and in Europe. 

  1. You Have Got Peace

Reflecting on this point evokes a sense of sadness within me.

In times of war or chaos, everything comes to a halt. Businesses cease to operate, new job opportunities become scarce, and the focus shifts from career advancement to mere survival.

The priorities shift from pursuing promotions and salary increments to ensuring one's safety and well-being.

However, you have the gift of peace. You are not living in constant fear or worry about your safety. Your home is a sanctuary where you can find solace and security.

For this, you should be immensely grateful.

Moreover, let us not forget to pray for peace in Nigeria, Ukraine, and other countries of the world that lack peace.

It is our collective responsibility to seek harmony and tranquility in our nation so that every individual can experience the same sense of security and peace that we are fortunate to have.

  1. You Have Faith

You have Faith

This particular point may not resonate with individuals from other countries, but that is normal. As Nigerians that I am, we have a strong faith that sustains us.

Regardless of the region or religious affiliation you belong to, it reminds you that there is a higher power watching over you.

You have a divine presence that supports and protects you through life's challenges.

In my search, I came across a verse from the Quran that beautifully encapsulates this belief:

“Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; then We fashioned the drop into a clot, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators!” [23:12-14]

And I know the bible says:

“For I know the plans I have towards you are plans of good and not of evil, to give you hope and an expected end”. Jeremiah 29:11

So, hold on to your faith. It is your best bet.

You only have to play your own part and the author of your faith will play His.

In conclusion; discovery is all about showing you the wisdom that will help you succeed in your career and business—but whatever we teach will not work if your mind is not set right.

  • Hold on to your faith. It is your best bet.

  • Play your part, and the author of your faith will play His.

  • Remember, discovery is about gaining wisdom for career and business success, but a right mindset is crucial for it to work.

  • Instead of dwelling on things that aren't going well, focus on the abundance of things to be grateful for.

  • Use dissatisfaction as a motivation to seek ways to bring about positive change.

  • Failure is an opportunity for growth and learning. Find out what went wrong, learn from it, and apply that knowledge to succeed.

  • Always remember that many people would appreciate the things we often take for granted.

In summary, no matter your current situation, express gratitude to God. Your circumstances are still better than many others.

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