Binance Square
Indian Crypto
The 8.18M $WIF this trader sold for 2,031 , #SOLANA ($142K) at 10x profit now worth 23.25M USD! He spotted #WIF 5 days after it opened trading and spent 20 #SOL ($1,173) to buy 8.18M #WIF When #dogwifhat increased 10x, he sold all $WIF for 2,031 $SOL ($142K), making 2,011 $SOL($141K). If he is patient enough and holds it until today, he will make more than $23M!

The 8.18M $WIF this trader sold for 2,031 , #SOLANA ($142K) at 10x profit now worth 23.25M USD!

He spotted #WIF 5 days after it opened trading and spent 20 #SOL ($1,173) to buy 8.18M #WIF

When #dogwifhat increased 10x, he sold all $WIF for 2,031 $SOL ($142K), making 2,011 $SOL($141K).

If he is patient enough and holds it until today, he will make more than $23M!

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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