Binance Square
Treding Help Bd Teem
 Two wallets are making $650K+ from $PEPE  by buying the token before it surged ~130% (7D)! 1. Dormant wallet 0xe58 returned after 1.8 years to withdraw 1.03T $PEPE  (now $2.74M) from #binance-  on Feb 25 and 26. • Unrealized profit: $1.33M (+94%). • Token flow: 2. Wallet 0xd9b bought 501.3B $PEPE  (now $1.34M) on Feb 25. • Unrealized profit: $660K (+95%). • Token flow: Don't want to miss potential whale activities, follow  and turn your 🔔

Two wallets are making $650K+ from $PEPE  by buying the token before it surged ~130% (7D)!

1. Dormant wallet 0xe58 returned after 1.8 years to withdraw 1.03T $PEPE  (now $2.74M) from #binance-  on Feb 25 and 26.

• Unrealized profit: $1.33M (+94%).

• Token flow:

2. Wallet 0xd9b bought 501.3B $PEPE  (now $1.34M) on Feb 25.

• Unrealized profit: $660K (+95%).

• Token flow:

Don't want to miss potential whale activities, follow  and turn your 🔔

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