Best friend Joe: I heard you lost $500,000. Are you okay? 😳

El'Ogiso Binancewhale : I'm fine. 😕

Best friend Joe : What happened to your fancy car?🤔

El'Ogiso Binancewhale: I invested it back into crypto $BTC . 😕

Best friend Joe: Why did you invest it back into crypto? 😦

El'Ogiso Binancewhale: Sacrifices have to be made. 😌

Best friend Joe : You really think that's how this works? 😮

El'Ogiso Binancewhale: That's what they told me.🙁 We're going to the moon.

That's... 🙁

That's the whole mission. 🙁

You don't believe the mission? 🫤Hold on for dear life. It's... It's... Your life.🙁

Best friend Joe: 😮‍💨 Bro!

El'Ogiso Binancewhale: What ? ☹️

Best friend Joe: 🫂

El'Ogiso Binancewhale: Dude! ☹️what.... What are you doing ? 😑I don't swing that way brah..

Best friend Joe : 🤦🏻 No one is going to the moon. Not me, not you and not the creators either. dude.. There aren't no space ship either and you just burnt your ticket to stay on earth.

Ps . Share your thoughts!

Don't always get lost trading. Have a chuckle with me 😁

#ElOgiso #Write2Earn #BTC