Binance Square
Rk Trades
Doubts over the ETFs' approval contributed not just to Bitcoin's fall but to that of crypto-related stocks. Coinbase Global fell 4.25% in early trading to 150USD, while shares of Bitcoin mining companies Marathon Digital Holdings and Riot Platforms fell 2.5% and 5.2% respectively. $BTC $BNB $ETH

Doubts over the ETFs' approval contributed not just to Bitcoin's fall but to that of crypto-related stocks. Coinbase Global fell 4.25% in early trading to 150USD, while shares of Bitcoin mining companies Marathon Digital Holdings and Riot Platforms fell 2.5% and 5.2% respectively.


إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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