Binance Square
Binance Risk Sniper
Fake airdrops occur frequently, keep your funds safe   Recently, we have discovered a number of fake airdrops. Scammers pretend to be official Binance projects and claim that by sending BNB to a designated wallet address, you can participate in the airdrop and receive rewards. This is obviously SCAM.   For example, the fake airdrop project in the screenshot:, the scammer asks users to transfer BNB to a designated address to obtain AI tokens, and claims that 20,000 AI = 1 BNB. This is obviously a very irregular operation.   Therefore, please be wary of official Binance airdrops and mining projects from unknown sources. There is a high probability that they are scams. You can visit the Binance official website or consult our customer service to confirm whether these projects are official and determine the official project website.

Fake airdrops occur frequently, keep your funds safe


Recently, we have discovered a number of fake airdrops. Scammers pretend to be official Binance projects and claim that by sending BNB to a designated wallet address, you can participate in the airdrop and receive rewards. This is obviously SCAM.


For example, the fake airdrop project in the screenshot:, the scammer asks users to transfer BNB to a designated address to obtain AI tokens, and claims that 20,000 AI = 1 BNB. This is obviously a very irregular operation.


Therefore, please be wary of official Binance airdrops and mining projects from unknown sources. There is a high probability that they are scams. You can visit the Binance official website or consult our customer service to confirm whether these projects are official and determine the official project website.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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