According to Odaily, Etherscan, the Ethereum browser, has announced the launch of a new feature. This feature, supported by Bubblemaps, is a token supply analysis function. Users can now understand the decentralized rating of tokens and their confirmed supply in Centralized Exchanges (CEX) and contracts.
The new feature aims to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of the token supply landscape. It will allow users to gain insights into the decentralized rating of tokens, which is a critical aspect of the cryptocurrency market. Furthermore, the feature will also provide information about the confirmed supply of tokens in CEX and contracts, which is crucial for traders and investors in the crypto market.
This development is a significant step forward for Etherscan and its users. It will enhance the platform's functionality and provide users with valuable insights into the token supply market. The support from Bubblemaps will further enhance the effectiveness of this feature, making it a valuable tool for users of the Ethereum browser.