According to Odaily, several new projects have been launched on the BNB Chain in the past week, from May 27 to June 1. These projects span various sectors, including infrastructure, DeFi, and NFT.
The infrastructure projects that have been introduced include BlackCardCoin, iLuminaryAI Wallet, Orochi Network, and Vapor Fund. These projects aim to provide foundational support for the BNB Chain, enhancing its capabilities and expanding its reach.
In the DeFi sector, EthosX has been launched. This project is expected to contribute to the growing decentralized finance ecosystem on the BNB Chain, offering new opportunities for users to engage with digital assets.
In the realm of NFTs, a project named Moongate has been introduced. This project is expected to add to the burgeoning NFT market on the BNB Chain, providing a platform for the creation, sale, and exchange of unique digital assets.
These new projects reflect the ongoing growth and diversification of the BNB Chain. They are expected to bring new functionalities and opportunities to the users of the BNB Chain, contributing to its continued evolution and expansion.