The current price of $NOT /USDT is $0.00784, reflecting a gain of 2.22%. Over the past 24 hours, the pair reached a high of $0.00791 and a low of $0.00764. This range indicates some volatility, but the recent price action suggests a positive trend as it moves closer to the previous high.

Volume plays a significant role in the analysis, with 2.20 billion NOT traded and 17.14 million USDT. The trading volume indicates robust interest in this asset, which can contribute to further price movements. The candlestick chart reveals a mix of bullish and bearish patterns, highlighting potential indecision in the market.

Key levels to watch include support at approximately $0.00767, established by a recent low, and resistance around $0.00791, marked by the recent high. A breakout above this resistance could signal further upward momentum, while a drop below the support level may suggest a reversal.

For a more comprehensive outlook, traders should consider incorporating additional indicators, such as the RSI or MACD, to assess momentum and identify potential reversals. Overall, the NOT/USDT pair appears to be in a bullish phase, making it essential to monitor these levels closely for trading opportunities.

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