Binance Square
Abstract : $Bond$ investors are beginning to bet that the worst- $ever$ plunge in U.S. Treasuries may soon be over. U.S. 10-year Treasury yields fell the most since March after dovish comments from Federal Reserve officials fueled speculation that interest rate hikes were coming to an end, while jitters over the conflict between Israel and Hamas increased safe-haven demand. Andrew Ticehurst, rates strategist at Nomura Securities in Sydney, said Fed officials appear to be very consistent in pointing out that rising bond yields and tighter financial conditions will affect their view on the federal funds rate. Market pricing suggests the Fed may not raise interest rates this year, although he added there may still be a risk of an eventual "insurance" rate hike. Source: Sina Finance

Abstract : $Bond$ investors are beginning to bet that the worst- $ever$ plunge in U.S. Treasuries may soon be over. U.S. 10-year Treasury yields fell the most since March after dovish comments from Federal Reserve officials fueled speculation that interest rate hikes were coming to an end, while jitters over the conflict between Israel and Hamas increased safe-haven demand. Andrew Ticehurst, rates strategist at Nomura Securities in Sydney, said Fed officials appear to be very consistent in pointing out that rising bond yields and tighter financial conditions will affect their view on the federal funds rate. Market pricing suggests the Fed may not raise interest rates this year, although he added there may still be a risk of an eventual "insurance" rate hike.

Source: Sina Finance

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