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DeFi Buzz
🕵️‍♂️Nansen's blockchain detectives dug up some juicy details on the FTX collapse, revealing a $4.1B FTT token transfer between FTX & Alameda Research.🔍📉 💸Alameda sent $4.1B in FTT tokens & $388M in stablecoins to FTX before the collapse. They controlled 90% of FTT supply, supporting each other's balance sheets.🤝 🤔Did Alameda use FTT tokens as collateral for loans? On-chain data shows $1.7B transfers between FTX, Alameda & Genesis Trading wallets.🔄 📉FTT's value drop led to a hidden $4B loan from FTX to Alameda. Nansen's data supports this theory, showing a $4B FTT transfer in June 2022.💰 🚫Alameda failed to buy FTT tokens from Binance at $22 after negative financial health reports. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao spilled the beans.🗣️ What do you think about these findings? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇😉

🕵️‍♂️Nansen's blockchain detectives dug up some juicy details on the FTX collapse, revealing a $4.1B FTT token transfer between FTX & Alameda Research.🔍📉

💸Alameda sent $4.1B in FTT tokens & $388M in stablecoins to FTX before the collapse. They controlled 90% of FTT supply, supporting each other's balance sheets.🤝

🤔Did Alameda use FTT tokens as collateral for loans? On-chain data shows $1.7B transfers between FTX, Alameda & Genesis Trading wallets.🔄

📉FTT's value drop led to a hidden $4B loan from FTX to Alameda. Nansen's data supports this theory, showing a $4B FTT transfer in June 2022.💰

🚫Alameda failed to buy FTT tokens from Binance at $22 after negative financial health reports. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao spilled the beans.🗣️

What do you think about these findings? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇😉

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