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🤣DeFi enthusiasts, gather 'round for a juicy tale! FTX's main exchange had a backdoor that let Alameda Research withdraw billions in customer funds, and guess what? Some employees knew about it! 🤯 🕵️‍♀️LedgerX's chief risk officer Julie Schoening found the issue and reported it, but instead of fixing it, she got fired! Talk about shooting the messenger.🔫 🎉Now, FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is on trial in NY, facing wire fraud charges. Will he be found guilty? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇 🚫FTX & LedgerX deny any wrongdoing, but we can't help but wonder: what's the real story here?🤔 Let's discuss! #DeFi #Web3

🤣DeFi enthusiasts, gather 'round for a juicy tale! FTX's main exchange had a backdoor that let Alameda Research withdraw billions in customer funds, and guess what? Some employees knew about it! 🤯

🕵️‍♀️LedgerX's chief risk officer Julie Schoening found the issue and reported it, but instead of fixing it, she got fired! Talk about shooting the messenger.🔫

🎉Now, FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is on trial in NY, facing wire fraud charges. Will he be found guilty? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇

🚫FTX & LedgerX deny any wrongdoing, but we can't help but wonder: what's the real story here?🤔 Let's discuss! #DeFi #Web3

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