Binance Square
Solana price analysis Solana  SOL  $23  has been oscillating inside a large range between $14 and $27.12. The price action of the past few days has resulted in the formation of a potential inverse head and shoulders pattern.SOL/USDT daily chart. Source: TradingView Although setups formed inside a range tend to be less reliable, still they should not be neglected. If the price turns up and breaks above the neckline, the SOL/USDT pair could attempt a rally to $27.12 and eventually to the pattern target of $32.81. The critical support to watch on the downside is the 20-day EMA ($20.95). If the price slides below this level, it will suggest that the bulls have given up. That could open the gates for a possible drop to $17.33. #opbnb #ETH #Layer2 #BTC #crypto2023 $BTC $ETH $BNB

Solana price analysis




 has been oscillating inside a large range between $14 and $27.12. The price action of the past few days has resulted in the formation of a potential inverse head and shoulders pattern.SOL/USDT daily chart. Source: TradingView

Although setups formed inside a range tend to be less reliable, still they should not be neglected. If the price turns up and breaks above the neckline, the SOL/USDT pair could attempt a rally to $27.12 and eventually to the pattern target of $32.81.

The critical support to watch on the downside is the 20-day EMA ($20.95). If the price slides below this level, it will suggest that the bulls have given up. That could open the gates for a possible drop to $17.33.

#opbnb #ETH #Layer2 #BTC #crypto2023 $BTC $ETH $BNB

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