Binance Square
Muhammad Mahdi
$TWT Flying guys 🚀🚀🚀 Some refreshment in this boring market 16% profit so far 🎉 Congratulations those who bought. Told you many times to buy.. Now you can see the result. Book some profit and increase your stoploss. #twt #crypto2023 #BTC #crypto #cryptonews $XRP $PEPE

$TWT Flying guys 🚀🚀🚀

Some refreshment in this boring market 16% profit so far 🎉 Congratulations those who bought.

Told you many times to buy.. Now you can see the result.

Book some profit and increase your stoploss.

#twt #crypto2023 #BTC #crypto #cryptonews


Muhammad Mahdi
Buy Signal : $TWT [ 1D Update ]
Looks very bullish 🔥

Spot Buy : 0.78$ [0.78-0.74 looks strong support]
🎯 Target : 0.85-0.93-1.05-1.20
⚠️Stoploss : 0.68$

#cryptocurrency #crypto2023 #cryptonews #twt #c98 $OGN $XRP
إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
الردود 1
مُنشِئ مُحتوى ذو صلة

استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

New guys should know 🍁 These are five things below can increase your chances of achieving your bull run targets 🎯 •Airdrops: We are heading into the bull run, Airdrops can be a quick and (relatively) easy way to kickstart your portfolio. Try not to miss any big project airdrops. •Fundamental & Technical research: Before making any investment, Do deep fundamental & technical research.  You should know everything from tokenomics to the unlock schedule. It might be too late to learn how to do deep dives into a crypto but you can learn the basics. •Invest & HODL: Think from a macro perspective and invest. We spent this whole bear market being super conservative because it was the right move. Now we are heading into the bull market, it's time for reprogramming. Dips are for buying, not selling! In bull market, a $1B mcap crypto can do 100x. A $100B market cap is possible in this run! •Narratives: Play swings in different narratives. You can't get into all the narratives but plan to play a few. And as you make money switch to the next one. Timing will play a big role here. •Participate in IDOs: Your luck will be a big thing here. But you have nothing to lose. •Risk management and planning: You should plan where you are entering & where you'll exit. And your risk of losing should controlled. If you don't have a lot of capital, gambling on shitcoins hoping you might hit a 1000x will only ensure you have no capital. Be patient, invest in safe projects, and grow your capital. Make a Take Profit Plan, always take out your seed money after 2-3x gain! $BTC $ETH $SOL #BTC #TrendingTopic #ETH #Meme #sol

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