Binance Square
The digital asset exchange-traded fund (ETF) market continues to see its most active period in the history of crypto as Bitwise Asset Management, the largest crypto index fund manager in America, has announced the launch of two new Ethereum-themed ETFs. According to a press release from Bitwise, the firm has launched the Bitwise Ethereum Strategy ETF (AETH) and the Bitwise Bitcoin and Ether Equal Weight Strategy ETF (BTOP), which for the first time give investors exposure to Ethereum futures "through the widely popular and regulated ETF format." #ETH #Ethereum #Layer2

The digital asset exchange-traded fund (ETF) market continues to see its most active period in the history of crypto as Bitwise Asset Management, the largest crypto index fund manager in America, has announced the launch of two new Ethereum-themed ETFs.

According to a press release from Bitwise, the firm has launched the Bitwise Ethereum Strategy ETF (AETH) and the Bitwise Bitcoin and Ether Equal Weight Strategy ETF (BTOP), which for the first time give investors exposure to Ethereum futures "through the widely popular and regulated ETF format."

#ETH #Ethereum #Layer2

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