$BTC is going to break Wildly 🚀🚀🚀

Do you think it is unnormal that #Bitcoin struggles to just break through its 2021 All time high? Do you think we have entered the bear market?

TLDR: It's not.

Even big stocks like MSFT and Apple show the same patterns.

The reasons are that it is

a) a psychological resistance

b) late longs will sell at break even after they had bought the top

c) market manipulation to simulate selling pressure before the next leg up.

In 2016, timing was a bit shorter than today, but keep in mind that market cap was 50x smaller than today.

All in all, there will be another leg up. Stockmoney Lizards conservative cycle top estimate 200 - 250k. #dyor

#ZeusInCrypto #MarketDownturn