Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced the launch of a Mini App store and in-app browser with Web3 support by the end of July, aiming to make Telegram a key player in blockchain adoption. This move builds on the success of Telegram Mini Apps, which are lightweight, JavaScript-based services within the app, used for various purposes like shopping and gaming.

Durov explained how “hundreds of millions of people” will learn about blockchain technology through Telegram this year. On July 19, he revealed that the messaging app would soon have a Mini Apps store and an in-app browser with Web3 features. This comes as interest in Telegram Mini Apps (TMAs) grows, with significant user engagement already evident.

Telegram recently reported that over 500 million users engage with mini-apps monthly for activities such as buying products, accessing services, and playing games. The integration with the TON blockchain has led to a rise in crypto-based games, especially following the success of the Notcoin tap-to-earn game. Earlier this month, Durov praised another game, Hamster Kombat, which gained 239 million users in three months, with 4-5 million daily players. Durov aims to make Telegram the center of blockchain’s societal transformation.

Durov stated, “2024 will be remembered as the year when hundreds of millions of people became familiar with blockchain. We’re proud that Telegram is at the heart of this change.” However, some are skeptical about the tap-to-earn trend's longevity. A crypto enthusiast known as Woody Lightyear on social media platform X expressed doubt, suggesting the trend might be just another fleeting hype.

Lightyear remarked, “This culture of Telegram mini app gaming has great potential, but no team is acknowledging its limitations and building strategically against them.” Despite this skepticism, market experts believe Durov’s plan will boost Web3 adoption by making the technology accessible to millions of Web2 users.

The growing popularity of these features could attract malicious players looking to exploit newcomers to crypto. Web3 security platform Slow Mist recently reported an increase in phishing activities targeting TON blockchain users. To address these issues, Durov introduced new security and decentralization features.

Public user accounts on Telegram will now show the month and country of registration, similar to Instagram, to increase transparency and trust. Additionally, Mini Apps can issue labels for channels, creating a decentralized marketplace for third-party verification. This aims to combat malicious actors by adding another layer of decentralization to the app.

Durov said, “Soon, Telegram will display the month of registration and principal country for public accounts (similar to Instagram). We will also allow organizations to use their mini apps to issue labels for channels, creating a decentralized marketplace for third-party verification.”

In summary, Telegram’s new Mini App store and in-app browser with Web3 support are major steps towards integrating blockchain into daily life. By leveraging its large user base and successful mini-app platform, Telegram aims to introduce millions to blockchain technology. Despite some skepticism, Durov’s plan is set to enhance Web3 adoption, making blockchain technology more accessible. As these features roll out, the platform will address security concerns, ensuring a safe and decentralized experience for users.