Binance Square
Crypto Listing Alert on Binance: What is Jito (JTO)? Discover Jito (JTO), the governance token for the Jito network, providing Solana liquid staking services. Utilize the open-source Solana validator client to earn rewards through Solana staking and address Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) using advanced MEV software. 🚀 🕒 In just 35 minutes, get ready for the exciting launch! Stay tuned for more updates. #JitoListing #CryptoAlert #BinanceListing 🌐💎$JTO

Crypto Listing Alert on Binance: What is Jito (JTO)?

Discover Jito (JTO), the governance token for the Jito network, providing Solana liquid staking services. Utilize the open-source Solana validator client to earn rewards through Solana staking and address Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) using advanced MEV software. 🚀

🕒 In just 35 minutes, get ready for the exciting launch! Stay tuned for more updates. #JitoListing #CryptoAlert #BinanceListing 🌐💎$JTO

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