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Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder
🔒⚖️ SBF SENTENCED TO 25 YEARS IN PRISON! ⚖️🔒 The verdict is in: Sam Bankman-Fried, the once-renowned figure in the crypto world, is facing a quarter-century behind bars. While it won't be in a high-security facility, the sentence marks a significant turn in his story. After being convicted on a slew of fraud charges linked to the collapse of FTX and Alameda Research, Bankman-Fried's fate was sealed with a 25-year sentence. Though shorter than the prosecution's recommendation of 40-50 years, it's far from the 5-6.5 years his defense hoped for. Judge Lewis Kaplan delivered a scathing assessment, rejecting claims that no one was hurt in the collapse and dismissing character testimonials portraying Bankman-Fried as a gentle soul. Perjury during the trial further tarnished his image, with Kaplan emphasizing the seriousness of the offenses. Despite arguments for leniency due to Bankman-Fried's autism diagnosis and his family's pleas, Kaplan emphasized the need for deterrence, given the risk of repeat offenses. The prospect of Bankman-Fried using his marketing prowess to reshape public opinion looms large, driving home the gravity of the sentence. While Bankman-Fried's legal team plans an appeal within 14 days, the sentencing concludes this chapter in the courtroom saga. Yet, civil cases from the SEC and CFTC linger, ensuring continued scrutiny of his actions. As Bankman-Fried contemplates his future, the crypto community reflects on the repercussions of his downfall. With this trial now behind us, the industry braces for the next chapter, uncertain of what lies ahead. #SBFSentencing #CryptoTrial #ftx #sbf #sambankmanfried

The verdict is in: Sam Bankman-Fried, the once-renowned figure in the crypto world, is facing a quarter-century behind bars. While it won't be in a high-security facility, the sentence marks a significant turn in his story.

After being convicted on a slew of fraud charges linked to the collapse of FTX and Alameda Research, Bankman-Fried's fate was sealed with a 25-year sentence. Though shorter than the prosecution's recommendation of 40-50 years, it's far from the 5-6.5 years his defense hoped for.

Judge Lewis Kaplan delivered a scathing assessment, rejecting claims that no one was hurt in the collapse and dismissing character testimonials portraying Bankman-Fried as a gentle soul. Perjury during the trial further tarnished his image, with Kaplan emphasizing the seriousness of the offenses.

Despite arguments for leniency due to Bankman-Fried's autism diagnosis and his family's pleas, Kaplan emphasized the need for deterrence, given the risk of repeat offenses. The prospect of Bankman-Fried using his marketing prowess to reshape public opinion looms large, driving home the gravity of the sentence.

While Bankman-Fried's legal team plans an appeal within 14 days, the sentencing concludes this chapter in the courtroom saga. Yet, civil cases from the SEC and CFTC linger, ensuring continued scrutiny of his actions.

As Bankman-Fried contemplates his future, the crypto community reflects on the repercussions of his downfall. With this trial now behind us, the industry braces for the next chapter, uncertain of what lies ahead.

#SBFSentencing #CryptoTrial #ftx #sbf #sambankmanfried
🚨 What if FTX never filed for bankruptcy? 🚀 Sam Bankman-Fried claims they could have had $93 billion in assets today and avoided the collapse. ⬇️ Would it have changed the outcome for investors? #FTX #SamBankmanFried #Crypto #Bankruptcy
🚨 What if FTX never filed for bankruptcy?

🚀 Sam Bankman-Fried claims they could have had $93 billion in assets today and avoided the collapse.

⬇️ Would it have changed the outcome for investors?

#FTX #SamBankmanFried #Crypto #Bankruptcy
قصة سام بانكمان فريد: مؤسس FTX الذي أشعل ثورة العملات الرقمية وانتهى به الأمر في السجن لمدة 25 عام لماذا شخص مثل سام بانكمان فريد، الذي كان لديه كل المقومات للنجاح، قام بتدمير نفسه بهذه الطريقة. سام بانكمان فريد هو رائد أعمال أمريكي ومؤسس منصة FTX لتداول العملات الرقمية، التي كانت واحدة من أكبر وأسرع المنصات نموًا في هذا المجال. وُلد عام 1992 لعائلة أكاديمية مرموقة، ودرس في معهد MIT، حيث تخصص في الفيزياء والرياضيات. قبل تأسيس FTX، عمل في Jane Street Capital، وهي شركة تداول معروفة، ثم أسس شركة Alameda Research، التي كانت تُدير استثمارات ضخمة في عالم العملات الرقمية. برز سام كشخصية مؤثرة في المجال، حيث كان يروج لفلسفة “الإيثار الفعّال”، مدعيًا أنه يسعى لكسب المال من أجل التبرع به للأعمال الخيرية. لكنه في النهاية، تورط في واحدة من أكبر فضائح الاحتيال المالي، بعد أن تبيّن أنه استخدم أموال العملاء في استثمارات مشبوهة، مما أدى إلى انهيار FTX واعتقاله لاحقًا. الحقيقة أن الأمر مرتبط بعدة عوامل، وكلها تعكس طبيعة البشر عندما يمتلكون قوة ونفوذًا ماليًا هائلًا في وقت قصير. 1. الجشع والطمع في السيطرة السريعة سام كان يعتقد أنه قادر على بناء إمبراطورية أسرع مما فعلت بايننس. هو لم يكن مهتمًا فقط بأن تكون FTX منصة ناجحة، بل كان يريد السيطرة على أكبر قدر من السوق في أقل وقت ممكن. لذلك، كان يستخدم أموال العملاء في الاستثمارات عالية المخاطر عبر Alameda Research، معتقدًا أنه سيتمكن من تعويض أي خسائر لاحقًا. 2. الإحساس بالحصانة وعدم القدرة على السقوط عندما يمتلك شخص مليارات الدولارات، ويحيط به أشخاص يعظمونه باستمرار، فإنه يبدأ في الاعتقاد بأنه أذكى من الجميع، وأنه يستطيع التلاعب بالنظام دون أن يتم الإمساك به. سام كان يعتقد أنه لن يُكشف أبدًا، أو أنه لو حدثت مشكلة، سيتمكن من إصلاحها قبل أن يلاحظها أحد. 3. القرارات المتهورة أثناء الأزمات مع انهيار سوق العملات الرقمية في 2022، بدأت الخسائر تتراكم. بدلاً من الاعتراف بالمشكلة وإيقاف التلاعب، اختار سام الاستمرار في المقامرة، محاولًا إنقاذ الوضع بطريقة خاطئة. مثل شخص يخسر في القمار، ثم يضاعف رهاناته على أمل استعادة ما خسره، لكنه في النهاية يخسر كل شيء. 4. التأثير النفسي لـ “الملياردير الشاب” سام لم يكن مجرد رجل أعمال، بل كان يُنظر إليه كعبقري مالي، رجل المستقبل. هذا جعله يرفض فكرة الفشل أو الاعتراف بأن الأمور خرجت عن السيطرة. ربما كان جزء من عقله يخبره بأن عليه التوقف، لكنه كان غارقًا في الصورة التي بناها لنفسه ولم يكن قادرًا على التراجع. 5. الافتقار إلى الانضباط المالي الحقيقي منصة بايننس، على سبيل المثال، تعمل بشكل صارم وفق أنظمة مالية محكمة، حتى مع الاتهامات التي تواجهها بين الحين والآخر. أما FTX، فكانت تدار بفوضى، حيث لم يكن هناك فصل حقيقي بين أموال العملاء وأموال المنصة. سام كان يدير الأمور كأنها “مشروع شخصي”، وليس مؤسسة مالية. في النهاية، سام وقع في الفخ الذي وقع فيه العديد من الأذكياء قبله: الاعتقاد بأنه أذكى من النظام، وبأنه يستطيع التلاعب بالقواعد دون أن يُمسك به أحد. لكنه نسي أن المال عندما يكون متعلقًا بملايين الناس، فإن الانهيار سيكون علنيًا وسريعًا. #FTX #SambankmanFried #FTXCollapse #CryptoScandal #RiseAndFall

قصة سام بانكمان فريد: مؤسس FTX الذي أشعل ثورة العملات الرقمية وانتهى به الأمر في السجن لمدة 25 عام

لماذا شخص مثل سام بانكمان فريد، الذي كان لديه كل المقومات للنجاح، قام بتدمير نفسه بهذه الطريقة.
سام بانكمان فريد هو رائد أعمال أمريكي ومؤسس منصة FTX لتداول العملات الرقمية، التي كانت واحدة من أكبر وأسرع المنصات نموًا في هذا المجال. وُلد عام 1992 لعائلة أكاديمية مرموقة، ودرس في معهد MIT، حيث تخصص في الفيزياء والرياضيات. قبل تأسيس FTX، عمل في Jane Street Capital، وهي شركة تداول معروفة، ثم أسس شركة Alameda Research، التي كانت تُدير استثمارات ضخمة في عالم العملات الرقمية.
برز سام كشخصية مؤثرة في المجال، حيث كان يروج لفلسفة “الإيثار الفعّال”، مدعيًا أنه يسعى لكسب المال من أجل التبرع به للأعمال الخيرية. لكنه في النهاية، تورط في واحدة من أكبر فضائح الاحتيال المالي، بعد أن تبيّن أنه استخدم أموال العملاء في استثمارات مشبوهة، مما أدى إلى انهيار FTX واعتقاله لاحقًا.

الحقيقة أن الأمر مرتبط بعدة عوامل، وكلها تعكس طبيعة البشر عندما يمتلكون قوة ونفوذًا ماليًا هائلًا في وقت قصير.
1. الجشع والطمع في السيطرة السريعة
سام كان يعتقد أنه قادر على بناء إمبراطورية أسرع مما فعلت بايننس. هو لم يكن مهتمًا فقط بأن تكون FTX منصة ناجحة، بل كان يريد السيطرة على أكبر قدر من السوق في أقل وقت ممكن. لذلك، كان يستخدم أموال العملاء في الاستثمارات عالية المخاطر عبر Alameda Research، معتقدًا أنه سيتمكن من تعويض أي خسائر لاحقًا.

2. الإحساس بالحصانة وعدم القدرة على السقوط
عندما يمتلك شخص مليارات الدولارات، ويحيط به أشخاص يعظمونه باستمرار، فإنه يبدأ في الاعتقاد بأنه أذكى من الجميع، وأنه يستطيع التلاعب بالنظام دون أن يتم الإمساك به. سام كان يعتقد أنه لن يُكشف أبدًا، أو أنه لو حدثت مشكلة، سيتمكن من إصلاحها قبل أن يلاحظها أحد.

3. القرارات المتهورة أثناء الأزمات
مع انهيار سوق العملات الرقمية في 2022، بدأت الخسائر تتراكم. بدلاً من الاعتراف بالمشكلة وإيقاف التلاعب، اختار سام الاستمرار في المقامرة، محاولًا إنقاذ الوضع بطريقة خاطئة. مثل شخص يخسر في القمار، ثم يضاعف رهاناته على أمل استعادة ما خسره، لكنه في النهاية يخسر كل شيء.
4. التأثير النفسي لـ “الملياردير الشاب”
سام لم يكن مجرد رجل أعمال، بل كان يُنظر إليه كعبقري مالي، رجل المستقبل. هذا جعله يرفض فكرة الفشل أو الاعتراف بأن الأمور خرجت عن السيطرة. ربما كان جزء من عقله يخبره بأن عليه التوقف، لكنه كان غارقًا في الصورة التي بناها لنفسه ولم يكن قادرًا على التراجع.
5. الافتقار إلى الانضباط المالي الحقيقي
منصة بايننس، على سبيل المثال، تعمل بشكل صارم وفق أنظمة مالية محكمة، حتى مع الاتهامات التي تواجهها بين الحين والآخر. أما FTX، فكانت تدار بفوضى، حيث لم يكن هناك فصل حقيقي بين أموال العملاء وأموال المنصة. سام كان يدير الأمور كأنها “مشروع شخصي”، وليس مؤسسة مالية.
في النهاية، سام وقع في الفخ الذي وقع فيه العديد من الأذكياء قبله: الاعتقاد بأنه أذكى من النظام، وبأنه يستطيع التلاعب بالقواعد دون أن يُمسك به أحد. لكنه نسي أن المال عندما يكون متعلقًا بملايين الناس، فإن الانهيار سيكون علنيًا وسريعًا.
#FTX #SambankmanFried #FTXCollapse #CryptoScandal #RiseAndFall
"Elon Musk Sparks Debate: Will Biden Pardon Sam Bankman-Fried? Crypto Markets on Edge"$BTC Predicting with 100% certainty in the volatile and complex world of crypto and politics is impossible. However, based on the information provided, here’s a guide for traders navigating the situation: What to Do Next: Monitor News Closely: The situation is highly fluid and can change quickly. Traders should stay updated on news regarding the pardon, legal proceedings for Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), and any related political developments, $ETH particularly President Biden’s stance. This could cause sharp market reactions.Watch Bitcoin (BTC): The impact of Musk's statement on the broader crypto market, particularly Bitcoin, can be significant. If there are significant legal developments surrounding SBF or a presidential pardon, Bitcoin’s price may react due to its ties to the broader crypto ecosystem. Traders should monitor any immediate price changes, especially if Bitcoin sees a spike or drop.Consider Volatility: The conversation around SBF's potential pardon is fueling speculative debates, which can lead to heightened volatility in the market. Traders should be cautious and use stop-loss orders to manage risk effectively.Short-Term vs Long-Term Approach: For short-term traders, be prepared for possible sudden price movements, either upward or downward, depending on news. Long-term investors, on the other hand, should focus on the broader fundamentals of the crypto market, especially in light of any potential legal and regulatory developments.$XRP Sentiment Analysis: Given that betting markets suggest a modest chance (5-10%) of a pardon, traders should gauge sentiment in the community—whether positive or negative—toward such a decision. If the community grows more bullish on the possibility of SBF being pardoned, it might create short-term buying opportunities.Diversify: Given the uncertainty, diversification could be a wise strategy for crypto traders. Avoid putting all funds into one asset like Bitcoin, and consider other stablecoins or crypto projects that might be less influenced by political news. Pure Prediction: Short-Term: Expect increased volatility and sentiment-driven price swings in crypto, particularly Bitcoin, as news about SBF and potential pardon developments unfolds. Speculation may cause quick upward movements if markets anticipate a positive outcome for SBF or if Musk's comments gain more traction.Long-Term: Long-term predictions should be cautious. The situation is likely to fuel ongoing debates around justice and crypto regulations. Political influence on financial markets could cause uncertainty, but it’s difficult to predict lasting effects without more concrete developments. Key Watch Factors: Biden’s response or any actions that suggest the possibility of a pardon.Crypto market’s reaction to any major news regarding SBF.Sentiment shifts and trader reactions based on potential political favoritism. Bottom line: Traders need to remain flexible, keep an eye on breaking news, and use risk management strategies to navigate the high-stakes environment. #ElonMusk #BidenPardon #SamBankmanFried #CryptoNews #BTC #CryptoMarkets #FTX #PoliticalInfluence #CryptoDebate #MarketVolatility #CryptoInvesting #BTCPrice

"Elon Musk Sparks Debate: Will Biden Pardon Sam Bankman-Fried? Crypto Markets on Edge"

$BTC Predicting with 100% certainty in the volatile and complex world of crypto and politics is impossible. However, based on the information provided, here’s a guide for traders navigating the situation:
What to Do Next:
Monitor News Closely: The situation is highly fluid and can change quickly. Traders should stay updated on news regarding the pardon, legal proceedings for Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), and any related political developments, $ETH particularly President Biden’s stance. This could cause sharp market reactions.Watch Bitcoin (BTC): The impact of Musk's statement on the broader crypto market, particularly Bitcoin, can be significant. If there are significant legal developments surrounding SBF or a presidential pardon, Bitcoin’s price may react due to its ties to the broader crypto ecosystem. Traders should monitor any immediate price changes, especially if Bitcoin sees a spike or drop.Consider Volatility: The conversation around SBF's potential pardon is fueling speculative debates, which can lead to heightened volatility in the market. Traders should be cautious and use stop-loss orders to manage risk effectively.Short-Term vs Long-Term Approach: For short-term traders, be prepared for possible sudden price movements, either upward or downward, depending on news. Long-term investors, on the other hand, should focus on the broader fundamentals of the crypto market, especially in light of any potential legal and regulatory developments.$XRP Sentiment Analysis: Given that betting markets suggest a modest chance (5-10%) of a pardon, traders should gauge sentiment in the community—whether positive or negative—toward such a decision. If the community grows more bullish on the possibility of SBF being pardoned, it might create short-term buying opportunities.Diversify: Given the uncertainty, diversification could be a wise strategy for crypto traders. Avoid putting all funds into one asset like Bitcoin, and consider other stablecoins or crypto projects that might be less influenced by political news.
Pure Prediction:
Short-Term: Expect increased volatility and sentiment-driven price swings in crypto, particularly Bitcoin, as news about SBF and potential pardon developments unfolds. Speculation may cause quick upward movements if markets anticipate a positive outcome for SBF or if Musk's comments gain more traction.Long-Term: Long-term predictions should be cautious. The situation is likely to fuel ongoing debates around justice and crypto regulations. Political influence on financial markets could cause uncertainty, but it’s difficult to predict lasting effects without more concrete developments.
Key Watch Factors:
Biden’s response or any actions that suggest the possibility of a pardon.Crypto market’s reaction to any major news regarding SBF.Sentiment shifts and trader reactions based on potential political favoritism.
Bottom line: Traders need to remain flexible, keep an eye on breaking news, and use risk management strategies to navigate the high-stakes environment.
#ElonMusk #BidenPardon #SamBankmanFried #CryptoNews #BTC #CryptoMarkets #FTX #PoliticalInfluence #CryptoDebate #MarketVolatility #CryptoInvesting #BTCPrice
#SBF1stTweetIn2Yrs 📰 Sam Bankman-Fried Breaks Two-Year Silence on X (formerly Twitter) Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has posted on X for the first time in two years. Currently serving a 25-year prison sentence at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn for fraud and conspiracy charges, Bankman-Fried's account released a series of tweets discussing employee terminations and corporate management challenges. He expressed empathy for government employees facing layoffs, drawing parallels to his own situation. The unexpected activity from his account led to a brief surge in FTT, the token associated with FTX, which spiked from approximately $1.55 to $2.07 before settling around $1.78. It's unclear how Bankman-Fried, without direct internet access, managed to post these tweets, leading to speculation about third-party involvement. #SBF1stTweetIn2Yrs #SamBankmanFried #FTX #FTT #CryptoNews
#SBF1stTweetIn2Yrs 📰 Sam Bankman-Fried Breaks Two-Year Silence on X (formerly Twitter)

Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has posted on X for the first time in two years. Currently serving a 25-year prison sentence at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn for fraud and conspiracy charges, Bankman-Fried's account released a series of tweets discussing employee terminations and corporate management challenges. He expressed empathy for government employees facing layoffs, drawing parallels to his own situation. The unexpected activity from his account led to a brief surge in FTT, the token associated with FTX, which spiked from approximately $1.55 to $2.07 before settling around $1.78. It's unclear how Bankman-Fried, without direct internet access, managed to post these tweets, leading to speculation about third-party involvement.

#SBF1stTweetIn2Yrs #SamBankmanFried #FTX #FTT #CryptoNews
🚨 FTX Founder Breaks Silence After 2 Years—FTT Surges 30% Before Dropping Sam Bankman-Fried, disgraced FTX founder, has posted on X for the first time since January 2023—just as Bitcoin faces renewed volatility. 🔹 FTT Price Spikes & Crashes Following SBF’s unexpected post, FTT surged from $1.60 to $2.07 (+29%).A quick sell-off pulled it back to $1.77, wiping out most gains. 🔎 What Did SBF Say? His post wasn’t even about crypto—he commented on government layoffs under Trump and Elon Musk’s DOGE department.SBF argued that failures in management, not employees, are to blame for job losses. ⚖️ Still Facing 25 Years in Prison Convicted for misusing billions in investor funds, SBF is serving one of the biggest financial fraud sentences in U.S. history.Hoping for a pardon, he looks to Trump, who recently freed Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht. 💬 Does SBF deserve a second chance, or is he just seeking attention? 🔥 Like & Follow for major crypto market updates! 🚀 #FTX #SambankmanFried #CryptoNewss #bitcoin #ftt
🚨 FTX Founder Breaks Silence After 2 Years—FTT Surges 30% Before Dropping

Sam Bankman-Fried, disgraced FTX founder, has posted on X for the first time since January 2023—just as Bitcoin faces renewed volatility.

🔹 FTT Price Spikes & Crashes
Following SBF’s unexpected post, FTT surged from $1.60 to $2.07 (+29%).A quick sell-off pulled it back to $1.77, wiping out most gains.

🔎 What Did SBF Say?
His post wasn’t even about crypto—he commented on government layoffs under Trump and Elon Musk’s DOGE department.SBF argued that failures in management, not employees, are to blame for job losses.

⚖️ Still Facing 25 Years in Prison
Convicted for misusing billions in investor funds, SBF is serving one of the biggest financial fraud sentences in U.S. history.Hoping for a pardon, he looks to Trump, who recently freed Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht.

💬 Does SBF deserve a second chance, or is he just seeking attention?
🔥 Like & Follow for major crypto market updates! 🚀
#FTX #SambankmanFried #CryptoNewss #bitcoin #ftt
🚨 FTX Token PUMPS 30% - SBF Posts for the First Time in 2 Years For the first time since his conviction, Sam Bankman-Fried broke his silence on X, and FTX Token (FTT) instantly surged 30% before cooling off. SBF’s post wasn’t even about FTX - he joked about not checking his emails for "a few hundred days" and oddly weighed in on Elon Musk’s government efficiency campaign. Yet, traders went wild, pushing FTT from $1.63 to over $2 in minutes before it dropped back to $1.75. This reaction highlights a pattern - even dead projects pump on nostalgia and speculation. FTT is still down 97% from its $85 ATH, and SBF is still serving 25 years behind bars for one of crypto’s biggest scandals. Have you ever traded such sudden pumps? Drop your experience below! #FTX #FTT #SamBankmanFried #Altcoins
🚨 FTX Token PUMPS 30% - SBF Posts for the First Time in 2 Years

For the first time since his conviction, Sam Bankman-Fried broke his silence on X, and FTX Token (FTT) instantly surged 30% before cooling off. SBF’s post wasn’t even about FTX - he joked about not checking his emails for "a few hundred days" and oddly weighed in on Elon Musk’s government efficiency campaign. Yet, traders went wild, pushing FTT from $1.63 to over $2 in minutes before it dropped back to $1.75.

This reaction highlights a pattern - even dead projects pump on nostalgia and speculation. FTT is still down 97% from its $85 ATH, and SBF is still serving 25 years behind bars for one of crypto’s biggest scandals.

Have you ever traded such sudden pumps? Drop your experience below! #FTX #FTT #SamBankmanFried #Altcoins
😱🚨Appeared while Bitcoin was falling: First post after 2 years from FTX founder Former #FTX CEO #SambankmanFried -Fried, who made his first social media post since January 2023, criticized the mass layoffs in a post he made in the US. Following the post, the exchange's token FTT gained 29 percent in value. Sam Bankman-Fried, the co-founder and former CEO of the collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, made his first post on the social media platform X since January 2023. Following Bankman-Fried's post about the mass layoffs he made in the US, the exchange's token FTT's price briefly gained nearly 30 percent in value. Following Bankman-Fried's post on Monday, the FTT token's value increased by 29 percent from $1.60 to $2.07. Following the sales that followed the rise, the price of the token line quickly fell to 1.77 days. In her post, Bankman-Fried also touched on the mass layoffs made by US President Donald Trump and Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) Chairman Elon Musk, emphasizing that the reduction management did not care about the growth of its employees but did not care about the competence of these employees and said, "It is not the fault of the employees that they cannot do their jobs properly due to internal policies. However, keeping them on the staff in a job offer that they will do does not benefit humanity either." He said. Bankman-Fried, who was tried for spending billions of investor funds after FTX's assets, was sentenced to 25 years in prison in the case referred to as "one of the largest known financial frauds in the United States." Bankman-Fried, 32, expects Trump, who recently pardoned Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, to make a move for him as well. Bankman-Fried, who did not object to the case against him, argues that the trial is due to the Biden administration's "use of increased prosecutorial power." In an interview with the New York Sun, Bankman-Fried, who stated that the previous administration's dream had come true, was identified as one of the biggest donors to Biden in the 2020 elections. #SBF1stTweetIn2Yrs
😱🚨Appeared while Bitcoin was falling: First post after 2 years from FTX founder

Former #FTX CEO #SambankmanFried -Fried, who made his first social media post since January 2023, criticized the mass layoffs in a post he made in the US. Following the post, the exchange's token FTT gained 29 percent in value.

Sam Bankman-Fried, the co-founder and former CEO of the collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, made his first post on the social media platform X since January 2023. Following Bankman-Fried's post about the mass layoffs he made in the US, the exchange's token FTT's price briefly gained nearly 30 percent in value.

Following Bankman-Fried's post on Monday, the FTT token's value increased by 29 percent from $1.60 to $2.07. Following the sales that followed the rise, the price of the token line quickly fell to 1.77 days.

In her post, Bankman-Fried also touched on the mass layoffs made by US President Donald Trump and Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) Chairman Elon Musk, emphasizing that the reduction management did not care about the growth of its employees but did not care about the competence of these employees and said, "It is not the fault of the employees that they cannot do their jobs properly due to internal policies. However, keeping them on the staff in a job offer that they will do does not benefit humanity either." He said.

Bankman-Fried, who was tried for spending billions of investor funds after FTX's assets, was sentenced to 25 years in prison in the case referred to as "one of the largest known financial frauds in the United States." Bankman-Fried, 32, expects Trump, who recently pardoned Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, to make a move for him as well.

Bankman-Fried, who did not object to the case against him, argues that the trial is due to the Biden administration's "use of increased prosecutorial power." In an interview with the New York Sun, Bankman-Fried, who stated that the previous administration's dream had come true, was identified as one of the biggest donors to Biden in the 2020 elections.

📰 SAM BANKMAN FRIED VS. 50-YEAR PRISON SENTENCE ⚖️ Lawyers representing former FTX CEO Sam “SBF” Bankman-Fried argue against the proposed maximum sentence of 50 years in prison, calling it medieval and unjust. 🔍 They claim the proposed sentence distorts reality and portrays Bankman-Fried as a “depraved super-villain,” advocating instead for a reduced sentence of five to six years in prison. The prosecutors filed additional documents alongside a sentencing memorandum, suggesting a 40-to-50-year sentence for Bankman-Fried, who was convicted on fraud and money laundering charges in November 2023. The defense team argues against the proposed sentence, stating that there were no actual losses as bankruptcy proceedings would make all customers and lenders whole. They also dispute the portrayal of Bankman-Fried as greedy, highlighting his philanthropic efforts and modest lifestyle. Additionally, they challenge claims of high risk of re-offending, citing low recidivism rates for white-collar, educated offenders without prior records. Bankman-Fried’s lawyers accuse the prosecution of making unsupported claims and propose a reduced sentence of approximately five to six and a half years, emphasizing the loss Bankman-Fried has already endured. The jury trial concluded Bankman-Fried guilty of all seven charges brought against him by the U.S. government, nearly a year after the collapse of FTX. what do you think about this story? Are 50 years deserved? Drop a comment below 👇 - Matthias Mende Founder of Bonuz #ftx #SBF. #sambankmanfried #scam #moneylaundering

⚖️ Lawyers representing former FTX CEO Sam “SBF” Bankman-Fried argue against the proposed maximum sentence of 50 years in prison, calling it medieval and unjust.

🔍 They claim the proposed sentence distorts reality and portrays Bankman-Fried as a “depraved super-villain,” advocating instead for a reduced sentence of five to six years in prison.

The prosecutors filed additional documents alongside a sentencing memorandum, suggesting a 40-to-50-year sentence for Bankman-Fried, who was convicted on fraud and money laundering charges in November 2023.

The defense team argues against the proposed sentence, stating that there were no actual losses as bankruptcy proceedings would make all customers and lenders whole.

They also dispute the portrayal of Bankman-Fried as greedy, highlighting his philanthropic efforts and modest lifestyle.

Additionally, they challenge claims of high risk of re-offending, citing low recidivism rates for white-collar, educated offenders without prior records.

Bankman-Fried’s lawyers accuse the prosecution of making unsupported claims and propose a reduced sentence of approximately five to six and a half years, emphasizing the loss Bankman-Fried has already endured.

The jury trial concluded Bankman-Fried guilty of all seven charges brought against him by the U.S. government, nearly a year after the collapse of FTX.

what do you think about this story? Are 50 years deserved?

Drop a comment below 👇

- Matthias Mende
Founder of Bonuz

#ftx #SBF. #sambankmanfried #scam #moneylaundering
Sam Bankman-Fried’s Parents Seek Presidential Pardon from Donald TrumpThe parents of Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the former CEO of FTX who is currently serving a 25-year prison sentence for fraud, are exploring ways to secure a presidential pardon from Donald Trump. According to Bloomberg, Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, both Stanford Law School professors, have recently consulted with lawyers and individuals connected to Trump’s inner circle to explore possible legal avenues for their son's clemency. Direct Contact with Trump Remains Unclear It is uncertain whether Bankman-Fried’s parents have directly reached out to Trump or his campaign. 🔹 Both parents declined to comment on the matter. 🔹 SBF’s legal team has yet to respond to inquiries regarding the pardon efforts. This renewed interest in presidential clemency follows Trump’s recent decision to pardon Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road. The move has fueled hopes among white-collar criminals that they too could secure a similar reprieve. Following these reports, Bankman-Fried’s chances of receiving a pardon increased to 8% on the Kalshi prediction platform. Bankman-Fried Seeks Trump’s Pardon Typically, requests for presidential pardons go through the Department of Justice, but Trump has historically considered informal appeals. 🔹 A growing number of individuals convicted of financial crimes are now exploring ways to leverage political connections to secure leniency. 🔹 Former FTX executive Ryan Salame, who is currently serving a seven-year sentence, has also reportedly expressed interest in seeking a pardon, according to Bloomberg. Trump’s Shift Toward Crypto Support While Trump once criticized cryptocurrencies, he has recently changed his stance, gaining support from digital asset advocates. His newfound pro-crypto position has helped him attract allies pushing for reduced regulatory oversight. Trump has also shown a willingness to support individuals who claim to be victims of politically motivated prosecutions. For example, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has argued that his bribery case was politically driven, an argument that has resonated with Trump’s broader legal approach. Could Trump’s Crypto Support Lead to a Pardon for SBF? The case of Sam Bankman-Fried remains one of the most high-profile financial scandals in crypto history. The question is whether Trump would be willing to pardon someone convicted of orchestrating a multi-billion-dollar fraud or if he will continue to court the crypto community through other means. A decision on clemency could have significant implications not just for SBF but also for the future of crypto regulation in the U.S. 🚀 #DonaldTrump , #SambankmanFried , #FTX , #CryptoNewss , #cryptocurrencies Stay one step ahead – follow our profile and stay informed about everything important in the world of cryptocurrencies! Notice: ,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“

Sam Bankman-Fried’s Parents Seek Presidential Pardon from Donald Trump

The parents of Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the former CEO of FTX who is currently serving a 25-year prison sentence for fraud, are exploring ways to secure a presidential pardon from Donald Trump.
According to Bloomberg, Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, both Stanford Law School professors, have recently consulted with lawyers and individuals connected to Trump’s inner circle to explore possible legal avenues for their son's clemency.
Direct Contact with Trump Remains Unclear
It is uncertain whether Bankman-Fried’s parents have directly reached out to Trump or his campaign.
🔹 Both parents declined to comment on the matter.
🔹 SBF’s legal team has yet to respond to inquiries regarding the pardon efforts.
This renewed interest in presidential clemency follows Trump’s recent decision to pardon Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road. The move has fueled hopes among white-collar criminals that they too could secure a similar reprieve.
Following these reports, Bankman-Fried’s chances of receiving a pardon increased to 8% on the Kalshi prediction platform.
Bankman-Fried Seeks Trump’s Pardon
Typically, requests for presidential pardons go through the Department of Justice, but Trump has historically considered informal appeals.
🔹 A growing number of individuals convicted of financial crimes are now exploring ways to leverage political connections to secure leniency.
🔹 Former FTX executive Ryan Salame, who is currently serving a seven-year sentence, has also reportedly expressed interest in seeking a pardon, according to Bloomberg.
Trump’s Shift Toward Crypto Support
While Trump once criticized cryptocurrencies, he has recently changed his stance, gaining support from digital asset advocates.
His newfound pro-crypto position has helped him attract allies pushing for reduced regulatory oversight.
Trump has also shown a willingness to support individuals who claim to be victims of politically motivated prosecutions.
For example, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has argued that his bribery case was politically driven, an argument that has resonated with Trump’s broader legal approach.
Could Trump’s Crypto Support Lead to a Pardon for SBF?
The case of Sam Bankman-Fried remains one of the most high-profile financial scandals in crypto history. The question is whether Trump would be willing to pardon someone convicted of orchestrating a multi-billion-dollar fraud or if he will continue to court the crypto community through other means.
A decision on clemency could have significant implications not just for SBF but also for the future of crypto regulation in the U.S. 🚀

#DonaldTrump , #SambankmanFried , #FTX , #CryptoNewss , #cryptocurrencies

Stay one step ahead – follow our profile and stay informed about everything important in the world of cryptocurrencies!
,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“
⚖️ Сокращение сроков для экс-менеджеров FTX: интрига продолжается! В криптомире снова громкие новости: бывшие топ-менеджеры скандальной FTX получили сокращение тюремных сроков. 🎭 Райан Саламе, экс-глава багамского офиса, проведёт за решёткой на год меньше — до марта 2031 года. Кэролайн Эллисон, руководительница Alameda Research, выйдет на свободу на три месяца раньше, в июле 2026 года. 🔍 Почему такие "поблажки"? Официальных комментариев нет, но ходят слухи, что это связано с их сотрудничеством со следствием. Видимо, показания против Сэма Бэнкмана-Фрида оказались весомыми. ⚡ Этот случай ещё раз напоминает, как высоко взлетают, а потом резко падают звёзды криптоиндустрии. 🚀👉💥 Что думаете, заслужили ли они такое сокращение или нет? 💬 Делитесь мнениями в комментариях! #FTX #CryptoNews #SamBankmanFried #CarolineEllison #RyanSalame
⚖️ Сокращение сроков для экс-менеджеров FTX: интрига продолжается!

В криптомире снова громкие новости: бывшие топ-менеджеры скандальной FTX получили сокращение тюремных сроков. 🎭

Райан Саламе, экс-глава багамского офиса, проведёт за решёткой на год меньше — до марта 2031 года.

Кэролайн Эллисон, руководительница Alameda Research, выйдет на свободу на три месяца раньше, в июле 2026 года.

🔍 Почему такие "поблажки"? Официальных комментариев нет, но ходят слухи, что это связано с их сотрудничеством со следствием. Видимо, показания против Сэма Бэнкмана-Фрида оказались весомыми. ⚡

Этот случай ещё раз напоминает, как высоко взлетают, а потом резко падают звёзды криптоиндустрии. 🚀👉💥 Что думаете, заслужили ли они такое сокращение или нет?

💬 Делитесь мнениями в комментариях!

#FTX #CryptoNews #SamBankmanFried #CarolineEllison #RyanSalame
The judgment has been rendered: Sam Bankman-Fried, once a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency realm, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. While the incarceration won't occur in a maximum-security prison, this marks a significant twist in his narrative. Found guilty on multiple fraud charges related to the collapse of FTX and Alameda Research, Bankman-Fried's future was decided with a quarter-century term. Although shorter than the 40-50 years recommended by the prosecution, it greatly exceeds the 5-6.5 years sought by his defense team. Judge Lewis Kaplan delivered a scathing assessment, rejecting assertions that the collapse caused no harm and dismissing character endorsements portraying Bankman-Fried as benign. His credibility suffered further from perjury during the trial, a point Kaplan stressed. Despite pleas for leniency based on Bankman-Fried's autism diagnosis and family appeals, Kaplan stressed the necessity of deterrence against potential future misconduct. Concerns over Bankman-Fried's ability to manipulate public opinion through his marketing skills underscore the gravity of the sentence. While Bankman-Fried's legal team plans an appeal within 14 days, this sentencing marks the end of a chapter in the courtroom saga, though civil cases from the SEC and CFTC remain, ensuring ongoing scrutiny of his actions. As Bankman-Fried ponders his future, the crypto community contemplates the ramifications of his downfall. With this trial concluded, the industry braces for what lies ahead, uncertain of what the future holds. #SBFSentencing #CryptoTrial #ftx #sbf #sambankmanfried
The judgment has been rendered: Sam Bankman-Fried, once a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency realm, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. While the incarceration won't occur in a maximum-security prison, this marks a significant twist in his narrative. Found guilty on multiple fraud charges related to the collapse of FTX and Alameda Research, Bankman-Fried's future was decided with a quarter-century term. Although shorter than the 40-50 years recommended by the prosecution, it greatly exceeds the 5-6.5 years sought by his defense team. Judge Lewis Kaplan delivered a scathing assessment, rejecting assertions that the collapse caused no harm and dismissing character endorsements portraying Bankman-Fried as benign. His credibility suffered further from perjury during the trial, a point Kaplan stressed. Despite pleas for leniency based on Bankman-Fried's autism diagnosis and family appeals, Kaplan stressed the necessity of deterrence against potential future misconduct. Concerns over Bankman-Fried's ability to manipulate public opinion through his marketing skills underscore the gravity of the sentence. While Bankman-Fried's legal team plans an appeal within 14 days, this sentencing marks the end of a chapter in the courtroom saga, though civil cases from the SEC and CFTC remain, ensuring ongoing scrutiny of his actions. As Bankman-Fried ponders his future, the crypto community contemplates the ramifications of his downfall. With this trial concluded, the industry braces for what lies ahead, uncertain of what the future holds. #SBFSentencing #CryptoTrial #ftx #sbf #sambankmanfried
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