Binance Square
Driving innovation in the crypto realm with the BRC-20 token project ARKB | 加密货币探险家 | 区块链迷 | 用数据解密市场 | 助力大家在数字资产SATS中找到机会和冒险的乐趣 | 比特币铭文brc-20的ARKB值得关注。
جميع المُحتوى
如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,中间位置就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat或0k市场搜索arkb进行交易。 #ARKB #brc20 #etcs #ezbc #drex $BTC $BNB $SOL



#ARKB #brc20 #etcs #ezbc #drex $BTC $BNB $SOL
$BNB 如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat或0k市场搜索arkb进行交易。 #pepe #BTC #ETH #ordi #sats $BTC $BNB
$BNB 如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat或0k市场搜索arkb进行交易。
#pepe #BTC #ETH #ordi #sats $BTC $BNB
Looking at the supply, i feel if unisat push for it to trade on CEX it may see a decent volume. And the ticker $PIZZA will be a great selling points as it denote a special event in the btc transaction history. I just hope it makes sense at last #MegadropLista #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #ETH $BTC $ETH
Looking at the supply, i feel if unisat push for it to trade on CEX it may see a decent volume. And the ticker $PIZZA will be a great selling points as it denote a special event in the btc transaction history. I just hope it makes sense at last
#MegadropLista #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #ETH $BTC $ETH
Unisat空投的第一个brc20代币 $Pizza 如果不是急着要立刻变现拿去消费的建议可以拿一拿,比特币上面最重要的IP之一有叙事有模因,属于中文区和老外都一致知晓的。 $Pizza 这个ticker也足够好。即使全部被claim总量最多2100万枚。 这次 @unisat_wallet 空投覆盖的范围还是挺广的,还在btc上的活跃用户基本上都有。#brc20 这么久没动静了可能也会由此刮起一阵新风吧,有一种预感可能会走runestone类似的剧本,纸手领到免费的空投之后场外迅速出手变现一波,后面再… #pizza #PizzaDay #Pizzaday2024 #MegadropLista #EarnFreeCrypto2024 $BTC $BNB $SOL
Unisat空投的第一个brc20代币 $Pizza 如果不是急着要立刻变现拿去消费的建议可以拿一拿,比特币上面最重要的IP之一有叙事有模因,属于中文区和老外都一致知晓的。 $Pizza 这个ticker也足够好。即使全部被claim总量最多2100万枚。

这次 @unisat_wallet 空投覆盖的范围还是挺广的,还在btc上的活跃用户基本上都有。#brc20 这么久没动静了可能也会由此刮起一阵新风吧,有一种预感可能会走runestone类似的剧本,纸手领到免费的空投之后场外迅速出手变现一波,后面再…
#pizza #PizzaDay #Pizzaday2024 #MegadropLista #EarnFreeCrypto2024 $BTC $BNB $SOL
此次 @unisat_wallet 免费空投的 $PIZZA 但无论从概念(比特币第一笔交易购买pizza),发行方式(free airdrop),共识(pizza节已经深入人心)以及总市值(21M代币总量)四个维度都有成为一个优质memecoin的潜力,唯一的风险在于当前铭文板块整体很凉,重点关注可能有短线的机会,等上market空投砸一波后可以看情况介入。 #pizza #PizzaDay #MegadropLista #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB
此次 @unisat_wallet 免费空投的 $PIZZA 但无论从概念(比特币第一笔交易购买pizza),发行方式(free airdrop),共识(pizza节已经深入人心)以及总市值(21M代币总量)四个维度都有成为一个优质memecoin的潜力,唯一的风险在于当前铭文板块整体很凉,重点关注可能有短线的机会,等上market空投砸一波后可以看情况介入。
#pizza #PizzaDay #MegadropLista #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB
可能有人真的不知道不了解ordi和sats,但是没有人不知道不了解pizza的 很多年前,10000btc才能换2个pizza🍕 而如今 你至少拥有100个pizza🍕,你自己都不知道命运的齿轮在向你招手 #pizza #PizzaDay #Pizzaday2024 $BTC $ETH


而如今 你至少拥有100个pizza🍕,你自己都不知道命运的齿轮在向你招手
#pizza #PizzaDay #Pizzaday2024
BTC•TRUMP•RUNES是一个trump粉丝部署的比特币runes项目。追求的是公平、透明和去中心化的比特币生态。比特币爱好者向trump致敬。 #BTCTRUMPRUNES #trump $BTC

5 月 26 日,据 CoinDesk 报道,美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在华盛顿特区举行的自由党全国代表大会上承诺,如果他再次当选总统,将在第一天就减免「丝绸之路」创始人罗斯·乌布里希特的刑期。乌布里希特因创建和运营「丝绸之路」暗网市场,于 2015 年被判处两个无期徒刑外加 40 年,实际上是没有假释可能的终身监禁。「丝绸之路」从 2011 年运营至 2013 年,主要被用于匿名买卖毒品,被广泛认为是比特币的首个真实用例。特朗普表示,乌布里希特已经服刑 11 年,「我们要让他回家」。现场观众中许多人举着「释放罗斯」的标语,对特朗普的承诺报以热烈的欢呼。
在当天的讲话前,特朗普还在社交媒体上盛赞加密货币行业,强调美国必须在该领域保持领先地位,而拜登总统却希望加密行业「慢慢死去」,但在他的任内绝不会允许这种情况发生。特朗普表示,他将阻止拜登打压加密货币的行动,确保加密和比特币的未来在美国缔造,而非被驱逐到海外。他承诺将支持用户的自主保管权,对美国 5000 万加密持有者说:「我将让伊丽莎白·沃伦和她的爪牙远离你们的比特币,永远不允许创建中央银行数字货币。」近几个月来,特朗普对加密的态度明显转暖,多次公开发表支持言论,并成为首位接受加密货币捐款的主要政党总统候选人。
$pizza unisat官方第一个铭文,uni可不是小项目方,上不了币安上ok也是大概率的,谁卖谁后悔,以时间来说铭文已经洗得差不多了,如果铭文有第三浪,大概率披萨要开启铭文第三春了,时间会证明。 #pizza $BTC
$pizza unisat官方第一个铭文,uni可不是小项目方,上不了币安上ok也是大概率的,谁卖谁后悔,以时间来说铭文已经洗得差不多了,如果铭文有第三浪,大概率披萨要开启铭文第三春了,时间会证明。
#pizza $BTC
unisat的空投pizza可以领了,总量2100万,只要3个月内有交互过都能领。pizza会作为brc20“5字铭文”的龙头,2u以下根本没必要卖,后面肯定会去10u以上,5字铭文简直就是为了“pizza”而生,没有比pizza更好的btc叙事了。 #pizza #PizzaDay $BTC $ETH
#pizza #PizzaDay $BTC $ETH
People tell me bitcoin has value because of the huge amount of energy it costs to create one, but there is still no intrinsic value, just a hash code protecting nothing. If we start using 10 dollars of energy to make each dollar would the world see a more valuable dollar? #新币挖矿 #Megadrop #ETH #BTC #BNB $BTC $ETH $BNB
People tell me bitcoin has value because of the huge amount of energy it costs to create one, but there is still no intrinsic value, just a hash code protecting nothing. If we start using 10 dollars of energy to make each dollar would the world see a more valuable dollar?
#新币挖矿 #Megadrop #ETH #BTC #BNB $BTC $ETH $BNB
Talking about the "value" of Bitcoin is "hard" as it reminds everyone one of us that the money that we use don't have any outside of the confidence we put in it. There's no "easy way" to define value of Bitcoin as a lot of concepts are embedded in it. #Megadrop #ETH #BTC #BNB #新币挖矿 $BTC $BNB $SOL
Talking about the "value" of Bitcoin is "hard" as it reminds everyone one of us that the money that we use don't have any outside of the confidence we put in it.

There's no "easy way" to define value of Bitcoin as a lot of concepts are embedded in it.
#Megadrop #ETH #BTC #BNB #新币挖矿 $BTC $BNB $SOL
EZET: The Ethereum Spot ETF by Franklin is here, proudly listed on DTCC! Capture the essence of Bitcoin Spot ETFs with EZET's secure and promising platform. Invest in your future with confidence! #EZET #Ethereum #ETF #Crypto #Investment
EZET: The Ethereum Spot ETF by Franklin is here, proudly listed on DTCC!

Capture the essence of Bitcoin Spot ETFs with EZET's secure and promising platform. Invest in your future with confidence!

#EZET #Ethereum #ETF #Crypto #Investment
Dive into the world of crypto with EZET, Franklin's pioneering Ethereum Spot ETF on DTCC! Experience the same reliability and potential growth as Bitcoin Spot ETFs. Don't miss out on this groundbreaking opportunity! #EZET #Ethereum #ETF #Crypto #Investment
Dive into the world of crypto with EZET, Franklin's pioneering Ethereum Spot ETF on DTCC!

Experience the same reliability and potential growth as Bitcoin Spot ETFs. Don't miss out on this groundbreaking opportunity!

#EZET #Ethereum #ETF #Crypto #Investment
美国首个在DTCC公示列出的以太坊现货ETF代码来自于富兰克林,代码是EZET。 BRC20的EZET你绝对值得拥有。 跟比特币现货ETF一样的味道,一样的氛围。 #ezet #ezETH #Megadrop #ETH #BTC $BTC
#ezet #ezETH #Megadrop #ETH #BTC $BTC
Prosper together, suffer together. The slogan of the ARKB community has never been about competing for the top spots in the Bitcoin BRC20 race. As one of the future Bitcoin spot ETFs approved by the U.S. SEC, ARKB has always aimed and worked towards the goal of "empowering three billion people with Bitcoin wallets!" This is the philosophy of our community. Refusing to engage in zero-sum games, strengthening the entire Bitcoin ecosystem is what we should do. Shared prosperity is the future and purpose of BRC20!! Let's join hands and together write a beautiful new chapter of future development. Views are for reference only; investment requires caution! Search for ARKB on the homepage of binance app, and you'll find ARKB on the web3 wallet BRC20 for buying and selling transactions. The community has chosen the popular io domain in the crypto circle, with the prefix being arkb. The token project ARKB of Bitcoin BRC-20 has no affiliation with Ark Invest / 21 Shares. #ETH #BTC #Megadrop #arkb #etf $BNB $BTC
Prosper together, suffer together.
The slogan of the ARKB community has never been about competing for the top spots in the Bitcoin BRC20 race. As one of the future Bitcoin spot ETFs approved by the U.S. SEC, ARKB has always aimed and worked towards the goal of "empowering three billion people with Bitcoin wallets!" This is the philosophy of our community. Refusing to engage in zero-sum games, strengthening the entire Bitcoin ecosystem is what we should do. Shared prosperity is the future and purpose of BRC20!! Let's join hands and together write a beautiful new chapter of future development. Views are for reference only; investment requires caution! Search for ARKB on the homepage of binance app, and you'll find ARKB on the web3 wallet BRC20 for buying and selling transactions. The community has chosen the popular io domain in the crypto circle, with the prefix being arkb. The token project ARKB of Bitcoin BRC-20 has no affiliation with Ark Invest / 21 Shares.
#ETH #BTC #Megadrop #arkb #etf $BNB $BTC
Unity for mutual success is essential for creating brilliance together. The slogan adhered to by the ARKB community is not about competing for rankings in the Bitcoin BRC20 race, but rather focusing on a grander objective: being one of the largest Bitcoin spot ETFs approved by the U.S. SEC, realizing the vision of "empowering three billion people with Bitcoin wallets". We steadfastly refuse to sever ties, dedicated to bolstering the entire Bitcoin ecosystem, because only through shared prosperity can we fulfill the future pursuit and purpose of BRC20! By closely collaborating, we co-author a brilliant chapter of future development. Views are for reference only; investment requires caution! The token project ARKB of Bitcoin BRC-20 has no affiliation with Ark Invest / 21 Shares, which is hereby declared. Where can you buy and sell ARKB? Search for ARKB on the homepage of a binance app, and you'll find ARKB on the web3 wallet BRC20 for buying and selling transactions. The community has chosen the popular io domain in the crypto circle, with the prefix being arkb. #ETH #BTC #Megadrop #ETF✅ #arkb $BTC $BNB
Unity for mutual success is essential for creating brilliance together. The slogan adhered to by the ARKB community is not about competing for rankings in the Bitcoin BRC20 race, but rather focusing on a grander objective: being one of the largest Bitcoin spot ETFs approved by the U.S. SEC, realizing the vision of "empowering three billion people with Bitcoin wallets". We steadfastly refuse to sever ties, dedicated to bolstering the entire Bitcoin ecosystem, because only through shared prosperity can we fulfill the future pursuit and purpose of BRC20! By closely collaborating, we co-author a brilliant chapter of future development. Views are for reference only; investment requires caution! The token project ARKB of Bitcoin BRC-20 has no affiliation with Ark Invest / 21 Shares, which is hereby declared. Where can you buy and sell ARKB? Search for ARKB on the homepage of a binance app, and you'll find ARKB on the web3 wallet BRC20 for buying and selling transactions. The community has chosen the popular io domain in the crypto circle, with the prefix being arkb.
#ETH #BTC #Megadrop #ETF✅ #arkb $BTC
团结共赢,方能共创辉煌。ARKB社区一贯奉行的口号并非争夺比特币BRC20赛道的排名,而是将眼光聚焦在更为宏伟的目标上:美国SEC批准的最大比特币现货ETF代码之一,实现“让三亿人拥有比特币钱包”的理念。我们始终拒绝互相割席,致力于壮大整个比特币生态系统,因为只有共同繁荣才是BRC20的未来所追求和宗旨!紧密携手,共同书写未来发展的辉煌篇章。观点仅供参考,投资需谨慎!比特币BRC-20的代币项目ARKB跟Ark Invest / 21 Shares没有任何关系,特此声明。如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat搜索arkb进行交易。少有的几个有官方网站的比特币BRC-20项目。 #ETH #Megadrop #BTC $BTC #ETF✅
团结共赢,方能共创辉煌。ARKB社区一贯奉行的口号并非争夺比特币BRC20赛道的排名,而是将眼光聚焦在更为宏伟的目标上:美国SEC批准的最大比特币现货ETF代码之一,实现“让三亿人拥有比特币钱包”的理念。我们始终拒绝互相割席,致力于壮大整个比特币生态系统,因为只有共同繁荣才是BRC20的未来所追求和宗旨!紧密携手,共同书写未来发展的辉煌篇章。观点仅供参考,投资需谨慎!比特币BRC-20的代币项目ARKB跟Ark Invest / 21 Shares没有任何关系,特此声明。如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat搜索arkb进行交易。少有的几个有官方网站的比特币BRC-20项目。
#ETH #Megadrop #BTC $BTC
一荣俱荣,一损俱损。 ARKB社区的口号从来不是争夺什么比特币BRC20 赛道的老大老二老三,ARKB作为将来美国sec批准的比特币现货ETF代码之一,一直以来希望和在做的都是:“让三亿人拥有比特币钱包!”这才是我们社区的理念。拒绝存量互割,壮大整个比特币生态才是我等应该做的,共同繁荣才是 BRC20 的未来和宗旨!!让我们携手共进,一起谱写未来发展的美好新篇章。观点仅供参考,投资需谨慎! 如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat 搜索arkb进行交易。 少有的几个有官方网站的比特币BRC-20项目。比特币BRC-20的代币项目ARKB跟方舟Ark Invest / 21 Shares没有任何关系。 #ETH #BTC #Megadrop $BTC
ARKB社区的口号从来不是争夺什么比特币BRC20 赛道的老大老二老三,ARKB作为将来美国sec批准的比特币现货ETF代码之一,一直以来希望和在做的都是:“让三亿人拥有比特币钱包!”这才是我们社区的理念。拒绝存量互割,壮大整个比特币生态才是我等应该做的,共同繁荣才是 BRC20 的未来和宗旨!!让我们携手共进,一起谱写未来发展的美好新篇章。观点仅供参考,投资需谨慎!
如何在币安app购买BRC20的ARKB呢?首先升级你的币安app为最新版本,旧版打不开。保证开通了币安web3钱包,且比特币链上有BTC,如果没有btc请先充值或划转。在首页搜索ARKB,就可以找到web3钱包的ARKB进行买卖交易。当然了,你也可以去unisat 搜索arkb进行交易。
少有的几个有官方网站的比特币BRC-20项目。比特币BRC-20的代币项目ARKB跟方舟Ark Invest / 21 Shares没有任何关系。
#ETH #BTC #Megadrop $BTC
cb上奥迪的合约,灰度转btc到bc1地址,都说明了大机构都是看上铭文跟符文的,都是看好比特币生态,涨只是时间问题,想赚钱你得熬得住洗盘。 #ETFvsBTC #Megadrop $BTC $BNB
#ETFvsBTC #Megadrop $BTC

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