Binance Square
🚀 U.S.-listed spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are soaring to new heights, holding a record 850,707 BTC in custody! This beats the previous high of over 845,000 BTC from early April. Grayscale's GBTC is leading the pack with over $20 billion in bitcoin, followed by BlackRock's IBIT with $19.6 billion. This marks the eighth straight day of net inflows for these ETFs, a stark contrast to the past weeks' zero inflows and even net outflows. In other news, the crypto industry celebrated a major policy win as the House of Representatives approved the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21), marking the first time a major crypto bill has cleared one of Congress's chambers. Meanwhile, the odds for a spot ether ETF approval in the U.S. have risen to over 75% from an earlier 25%. What do you think these developments mean for the future of crypto? Share your thoughts below! 👇

🚀 U.S.-listed spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are soaring to new heights, holding a record 850,707 BTC in custody! This beats the previous high of over 845,000 BTC from early April. Grayscale's GBTC is leading the pack with over $20 billion in bitcoin, followed by BlackRock's IBIT with $19.6 billion.

This marks the eighth straight day of net inflows for these ETFs, a stark contrast to the past weeks' zero inflows and even net outflows.

In other news, the crypto industry celebrated a major policy win as the House of Representatives approved the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21), marking the first time a major crypto bill has cleared one of Congress's chambers.

Meanwhile, the odds for a spot ether ETF approval in the U.S. have risen to over 75% from an earlier 25%.

What do you think these developments mean for the future of crypto? Share your thoughts below! 👇

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