Binance Square
📈 Bitcoin (BTC) is playing coy near its old all-time highs, as the crypto world holds its breath for a decision on Ethereum (ETH) spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs). BTC price action is hovering above $69,000, with market chatter buzzing about potential targets of $80,000 for BTC/USD. The crypto community is eagerly awaiting the US regulators' decision on the Ethereum ETF products, which could give a significant boost to both Bitcoin and altcoins. Meanwhile, trading firm QCP Capital predicts a 60% upside potential for Ether, putting the price at around $6,000 if the ETF gets the green light. The ETF decision is expected to drop around 8.30 pm UTC. Stay tuned, folks!

📈 Bitcoin (BTC) is playing coy near its old all-time highs, as the crypto world holds its breath for a decision on Ethereum (ETH) spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs). BTC price action is hovering above $69,000, with market chatter buzzing about potential targets of $80,000 for BTC/USD. The crypto community is eagerly awaiting the US regulators' decision on the Ethereum ETF products, which could give a significant boost to both Bitcoin and altcoins. Meanwhile, trading firm QCP Capital predicts a 60% upside potential for Ether, putting the price at around $6,000 if the ETF gets the green light. The ETF decision is expected to drop around 8.30 pm UTC. Stay tuned, folks!

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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