Binance Square
Daily Crypto
SNPIT, a "snap-to-earn" platform that rewards users for taking photos with NFTs, is expanding globally after a strong launch in Japan. They use blockchain technology to store and manage photos (DePIN) and offer users a way to earn money through photography. #SNPIT #snaptoearn #nft #DePIN #buythedip

SNPIT, a "snap-to-earn" platform that rewards users for taking photos with NFTs, is expanding globally after a strong launch in Japan.

They use blockchain technology to store and manage photos (DePIN) and offer users a way to earn money through photography.

#SNPIT #snaptoearn #nft #DePIN #buythedip

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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