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Crypto Insiders
#USDT DOMINANCE ANALYSIS USDT.D declined after breaking down and successfully retesting below the rising wedge. The Ichimoku Cloud indicates a bearish trend. Additionally, it broke down below the 200-day moving average (MA 200), suggesting a further downward move is expected. However, a retest of the MA 200 is also possible. It's important to note that USDT dominance works inversely proportional to the crypto market. $BTC $ETH $BNB #write2Earn #BTC #btc70k


USDT.D declined after breaking down and successfully retesting below the rising wedge. The Ichimoku Cloud indicates a bearish trend. Additionally, it broke down below the 200-day moving average (MA 200), suggesting a further downward move is expected.

However, a retest of the MA 200 is also possible. It's important to note that USDT dominance works inversely proportional to the crypto market.


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