Binance Square
Ellon mask
NFT will gives you 1000%+ profit in future 🆘️📈 NFT is a future of crypto world. so guys you are able to sell your own NFT with more than 1000%+ profit, if you choose right collection. you must select most creative and rare NFT in to your collection. so here we are providing you very creative and rare NFT artworks 1st time in binance NFT market place. our NFT artworks are getting most popular at the time case with that rare and creativity. you can visit our binance NFT market place and look how creative and rare our NFT artworks. [click here to visit our NFT market place]( . our tokens price up from 24% withing a 1st week, which means definitely it increase up to 100% and more soon. we providing you that with below attached picture of our market place. we create only one copy of that 3D creative artworks because it's help to increase each value. so if you buy our any NFT artwork, others never can find out it except from you. so dont miss that rare opportunity [Visit our binance NFT market place]( and make that nft yours. we give you huge offer in that promotion period of 1st two months. you can buy our all NFTs below 10$. just go through below link and own your NFT. you can sell it with 1000%+ profit. [Click here for buy our NFT with 30% discount](

NFT will gives you 1000%+ profit in future 🆘️📈

NFT is a future of crypto world. so guys you are able to sell your own NFT with more than 1000%+ profit, if you choose right collection.

you must select most creative and rare NFT in to your collection.

so here we are providing you very creative and rare NFT artworks 1st time in binance NFT market place. our NFT artworks are getting most popular at the time case with that rare and creativity.

you can visit our binance NFT market place and look how creative and rare our NFT artworks. click here to visit our NFT market place .

our tokens price up from 24% withing a 1st week, which means definitely it increase up to 100% and more soon. we providing you that with below attached picture of our market place.

we create only one copy of that 3D creative artworks because it's help to increase each value. so if you buy our any NFT artwork, others never can find out it except from you.

so dont miss that rare opportunity Visit our binance NFT market place and make that nft yours.

we give you huge offer in that promotion period of 1st two months. you can buy our all NFTs below 10$. just go through below link and own your NFT.

you can sell it with 1000%+ profit.

Click here for buy our NFT with 30% discount

Ellon mask
Do You want to own very rare and unique NFT 3d animated art work? so just search us on nft market place, as 1Ellonmask
إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
الردود 1
استكشف أحدث أخبار العملات الرقمية
⚡️ كُن جزءًا من أحدث النقاشات في مجال العملات الرقمية
💬 تفاعل مع مُنشِئي المُحتوى المُفضّلين لديك
👍 استمتع بالمحتوى الذي يثير اهتمامك
البريد الإلكتروني / رقم الهاتف
مُنشِئ مُحتوى ذو صلة

استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

Gap annalisis 📊🆘️ lesson no.1️⃣1️⃣ part 01 Gaps, in the world of technical analysis, represent areas on a chart where no trading activity took place, resulting in a "gap" in the price chart. Recognizing and understanding the significance of these gaps can be pivotal for traders to capitalize on potential opportunities and manage risk. A gap occurs when there's a significant difference between the closing price of one period and the opening price of the next, without any trading occurring between these two prices. These gaps are often the result of some fundamental event or news item that significantly changes the perceived value of an asset overnight. What it is and what it shows Gaps can appear on any time frame, from minute charts up to monthly charts, and can be observed in stocks, futures, forex, and other financial markets. They often indicate strong sentiment about a security and can give insights into the future direction of its price. The types of gaps include: Common Gaps: These are usually not associated with any news event and are often filled relatively quickly. They don't offer much insight into price direction. Breakaway Gaps: These gaps occur after a consolidation or trading range and signify the start of a new trend. A stock that's been trading in a tight range may suddenly gap up or down, signaling the beginning of a new uptrend or downtrend. Runaway (or Measuring) Gaps: These gaps are seen in the middle of a trend and suggest the trend is likely to continue. For example, in a bullish trend, a runaway gap would be a gap up, indicating strong interest even at higher prices. Exhaustion Gaps: These are found near the end of a trend, signaling that the trend might be running out of steam and a reversal could be near. Island Reversal Gaps: This is a scenario where the market gaps in the direction of the prevailing trend, trades for a few days, and then gaps back in the opposite direction, leaving a "gap island" on the chart. This can be a powerful reversal signal. see you soon with part two.. #ellonmask #DontMiss_Ellon_Mask
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