Binance Square
Crypto Revolution Masters
🚨What happened in Crypto in the last 12h?🚨 • 937 financial institutions bought #Bitcoin  through ETFs during Q1 2024, marking ten times more institutional adoption than Gold. • ETH/BTC has hit a yearly low, causing ETH-BETA projects to weaken. • Coinbase Future will list for $ONDO, $PYTH, and $ZETA perpetual futures on May 23. • Upbit has announced a caution for Stacks investment. $STX • $ALEX - ALEX suffered a phishing attack, losing 13.7M STX. There is a possibility of delisting from the Korean exchange. • $AIT - AIT Protocol has announced new tokenomics will be released this Friday. • $ICP - Dfinity has introduced its updated roadmap. • $LINK - Chainlink has announced results of a Smart NAV industry pilot with DTCC and 10 major financial institutions, delivering mutual fund data onchain. • $PYTH - Pyth Network has announced the launch of a 50M PYTH Ecosystem Grants Program. • $RDNT - Radiant Capital has announced the launch of its first LRT market, weETH, on Arbitrum. • $VANRY - Virtua has announced the Gamers Lounge App will launch soon, • $TON - Tether has announced collaboration with TON Foundation and Oobit to develop a seamless crypto-payment solution. • It seems like #pumpdotfun lost ~12.3k SOL (~$2M) and a bunch of memecoins through a possible private key leakage.

🚨What happened in Crypto in the last 12h?🚨

• 937 financial institutions bought #Bitcoin  through ETFs during Q1 2024, marking ten times more institutional adoption than Gold.

ETH/BTC has hit a yearly low, causing ETH-BETA projects to weaken.

• Coinbase Future will list for $ONDO, $PYTH, and $ZETA perpetual futures on May 23.

• Upbit has announced a caution for Stacks investment. $STX

• $ALEX - ALEX suffered a phishing attack, losing 13.7M STX. There is a possibility of delisting from the Korean exchange.

• $AIT - AIT Protocol has announced new tokenomics will be released this Friday.

• $ICP - Dfinity has introduced its updated roadmap.

• $LINK - Chainlink has announced results of a Smart NAV industry pilot with DTCC and 10 major financial institutions, delivering mutual fund data onchain.

• $PYTH - Pyth Network has announced the launch of a 50M PYTH Ecosystem Grants Program.

• $RDNT - Radiant Capital has announced the launch of its first LRT market, weETH, on Arbitrum.

• $VANRY - Virtua has announced the Gamers Lounge App will launch soon,

• $TON - Tether has announced collaboration with TON Foundation and Oobit to develop a seamless crypto-payment solution.

• It seems like #pumpdotfun lost ~12.3k SOL (~$2M) and a bunch of memecoins through a possible private key leakage.

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