Binance Square
Think you're a true #TRONICS ? Prove it for a chance to GRAB some TRX! 🎉 Giving away 10,000 TRX to 20 lucky followers. ♥️ Follow Now 😉

Think you're a true #TRONICS ? Prove it for a chance to GRAB some TRX! 🎉

Giving away 10,000 TRX to 20 lucky followers. ♥️

Follow Now 😉

Justin Sun孙宇晨
Think you're a true #TRONICS ? Prove it for a chance to GRAB some TRX! 🎉

Giving away 10,000 TRX to 20 lucky followers.

To enter:
1️⃣ Follow me (@justinsuntron) on Binance Square
2️⃣ Follow @trondao on Binance Square
3️⃣ Fill out the form:

Winners and prizes will be allocated on May 30th. Let's see who's part of the TRON Community. 😊

#TRX‏ #TRON #GIVEAWAY🎁 #cryptocurrency
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