Binance Square
Crypto Ahmet
🔥💥Binance Founder CZ Signaled That She Will Publish Her Own Book Former #Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao suggested in a recent post on the X social media network that he might write his own book. CZ jokingly said that he was having some "quiet time" and that he would use it to write something. The founder of Binance said that he will try his own book because he will have nothing else to do. After leaving his post, CZ also teased a new project focused on education called "Giggle Academy"." The project, which does not generate income, will specifically target underprivileged children and will teach them about finance and blockchain, as well as some normal subjects such as mathematics. Today, CZ also confirmed that despite moving away from Binance, he will remain a cryptocurrency investor. #BTC #czbinance #BNB

🔥💥Binance Founder CZ Signaled That She Will Publish Her Own Book

Former #Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao suggested in a recent post on the X social media network that he might write his own book.

CZ jokingly said that he was having some "quiet time" and that he would use it to write something.

The founder of Binance said that he will try his own book because he will have nothing else to do.

After leaving his post, CZ also teased a new project focused on education called "Giggle Academy"." The project, which does not generate income, will specifically target underprivileged children and will teach them about finance and blockchain, as well as some normal subjects such as mathematics.

Today, CZ also confirmed that despite moving away from Binance, he will remain a cryptocurrency investor.

#BTC #czbinance #BNB

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
الردود 3
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👍 استمتع بالمحتوى الذي يثير اهتمامك
البريد الإلكتروني / رقم الهاتف
مُنشِئ مُحتوى ذو صلة

استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

🚀🚀😱Low-Cost Altcoins with High Potential: 2 Altcoins Under $2 with Growth Potential😱🚀🚀 Mantle Price Prediction: Is $2 Realistic By August? #mantle (#MNT ) is a layer 2 stack for scaling Ethereum. Built with a modular architecture, Mantle combines an optimistic roll-up protocol with an innovative data availability solution, allowing the network to inherit security from Ethereum while offering cheaper and more accessible data. Its strong use case has been one of the driving factors. Based on CoinMarketCap data, Mantle’s price gained 90% in the past year but plummeted by 9% in the last month. However, both the Mantle market cap and trading volume are up, with holders optimistic of a rebound. Although Mantle market sentiment is bearish, analysts believe if the token can pass key resistance levels of 0.94 and $0.96, it could hit $2 in Q3, putting it on our list of altcoins to watch. Arbitrum Market Cap Trending Upwards – $1 Target in Sight $ARB Arbitrum (#ARB ) is one of the Layer 2 blockchains witnessing massive adoption. Recent data from Dune shows that average transaction fees in Arbitrum have increased as the daily on-chain transactions surged. Being the largest L2 network with a TVL of $2.97, Arbitrum is a top player in the altcoin market. As per CoinMarketCap stats, Arbitrum price has dropped in the past week. However, a look at the Arbitrum price chart shows signs of an imminent bull run. Crypto Aman, a popular crypto analyst believes that the current dip is the best entry point while projecting a rally in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, Arbiturm is on the path of breaking the $1 mark. A successful breakthrough could see the ARB coin hit $1.5, making it one of the best altcoins to invest in now. #altcoins
🚨🚨Binance Co-Founder Yi He Issues Important Warning to Crypto Community🚨🚨 In a critical message to the crypto community, #Binance co-founder #YiHeBinance warned about a fake account impersonating him and leading to some users being scammed. The warning comes after a person was reported to have fallen victim to a malicious link posted by a fake account, resulting in the theft of 60 ETH. Yi He used the official X account @heyibinance to inform his followers and the broader crypto community about the impersonation. He emphasized that this account is his only legitimate social media presence and that Binance Coin (BNB) is the only token he has approved. This distinction is crucial as scammers take advantage of the credibility of well-known names in the industry to deceive the public. Therefore, the crypto community is strongly encouraged to be wary of the existence of such fake accounts. In this regard, the Binance co-founder calls on the crypto community to report suspicious activity and fake accounts to the relevant authorities to help prevent additional scams. This collective effort is vital to prevent others from being scammed. Warning from Binance China Echoing Yi He's warning, Binance Chinese also advised users to be careful when dealing with information online. They emphasize the importance of not clicking on unknown links or scanning unfamiliar QR codes. Users are advised to scrupulously protect their personal information and assets and always seek verification through official channels before engaging with any crypto-related content. This latest incident involving the co-founder of Binance underscores the increasing sophistication of online scams and the importance of remaining vigilant in the digital asset space. The crypto community is requested to exercise caution and verify the authenticity of the information before taking any action. #BNB #RichardTeng

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