Binance Square
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has enlisted the services of Forensic Risk Alliance (FRA) to monitor Binance's compliance with regulatory requirements for the next three years. This move comes as part of Binance's plea deal in November 2023, where it admitted to money laundering and other federal charges, resulting in a hefty $4.3 billion fine. FRA will have access to Binance's internal records, premises, and employees to keep the government updated on the company's activities. This development follows the recent sentencing of Binance's former CEO, Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, to four months in prison for failing to maintain an effective Anti-Money Laundering program.

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has enlisted the services of Forensic Risk Alliance (FRA) to monitor Binance's compliance with regulatory requirements for the next three years. This move comes as part of Binance's plea deal in November 2023, where it admitted to money laundering and other federal charges, resulting in a hefty $4.3 billion fine. FRA will have access to Binance's internal records, premises, and employees to keep the government updated on the company's activities. This development follows the recent sentencing of Binance's former CEO, Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, to four months in prison for failing to maintain an effective Anti-Money Laundering program.

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