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🔔 Cardano Founder: President Joe Biden is Trying Hard to 'Kill Crypto' ! Charles Hoskinson, founder of Cardano, accused President Joe Biden's administration of trying to destroy the American cryptocurrency industry. Hoskinson criticized the government's actions, including restricted access to bank accounts and the SEC's regulatory approach. He claimed the White House is obstructing legislative processes, aiming to harm the industry. Hoskinson made these remarks in a video posted on May 9, expressing concern over the administration's impact on the crypto sector. #BinanceLaunchpool #ETHETFS #ETFvsBTC #altcoins #BlackRock

🔔 Cardano Founder: President Joe Biden is Trying Hard to 'Kill Crypto' !

Charles Hoskinson, founder of Cardano, accused President Joe Biden's administration of trying to destroy the American cryptocurrency industry. Hoskinson criticized the government's actions, including restricted access to bank accounts and the SEC's regulatory approach. He claimed the White House is obstructing legislative processes, aiming to harm the industry. Hoskinson made these remarks in a video posted on May 9, expressing concern over the administration's impact on the crypto sector.

#BinanceLaunchpool #ETHETFS #ETFvsBTC #altcoins #BlackRock

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