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📈 Prediction (RNDR and AVAX): 🖖 RNDR/USDT - Render's recent correction proved to be insignificant in the broader market: according to data from the Santiment analytics platform, the altcoin's price and daily active addresses are increasing, creating favorable conditions for further rally. Forecast: At the time of writing, Render is trading at $10.8. The altcoin is close to confirming the formation of a double bottom: once it surpasses the $11.2 resistance, the pattern will be completed. If bullish sentiment persists, the asset's price may continue to rally towards $11.5 and beyond. However, potential selling pressure could nullify the momentum. In such a case, the altcoin's price could drop to $9.2, making #RNDR vulnerable to further correction. 🤫 AVAX/USDT - The price of #Avalanche has been holding below the $40 mark for almost a month. Overcoming this level is crucial for the altcoin to rise to $45. However, the chances of this happening in the coming days are slim: the DAA indicator is currently signaling sell, indicating potential divergences between market valuation and network activity. Forecast: At the time of writing, Avalanche is trading at $37, attempting to close above $40. Confirmation of this level as support typically leads the altcoin to break through to $45. However, considering the aforementioned bearish signals, a price correction for #AVAX towards $32 followed by sideways movement appears much more realistic. If the $40 resistance is breached, Avalanche may attempt to break through to $45. Such a scenario would negate the bearish thesis and initiate the asset's recovery. 🌟 Please share this review with others.

📈 Prediction (RNDR and AVAX):

🖖 RNDR/USDT - Render's recent correction proved to be insignificant in the broader market: according to data from the Santiment analytics platform, the altcoin's price and daily active addresses are increasing, creating favorable conditions for further rally. Forecast: At the time of writing, Render is trading at $10.8. The altcoin is close to confirming the formation of a double bottom: once it surpasses the $11.2 resistance, the pattern will be completed. If bullish sentiment persists, the asset's price may continue to rally towards $11.5 and beyond. However, potential selling pressure could nullify the momentum. In such a case, the altcoin's price could drop to $9.2, making #RNDR vulnerable to further correction.

🤫 AVAX/USDT - The price of #Avalanche has been holding below the $40 mark for almost a month. Overcoming this level is crucial for the altcoin to rise to $45. However, the chances of this happening in the coming days are slim: the DAA indicator is currently signaling sell, indicating potential divergences between market valuation and network activity. Forecast: At the time of writing, Avalanche is trading at $37, attempting to close above $40. Confirmation of this level as support typically leads the altcoin to break through to $45. However, considering the aforementioned bearish signals, a price correction for #AVAX towards $32 followed by sideways movement appears much more realistic. If the $40 resistance is breached, Avalanche may attempt to break through to $45. Such a scenario would negate the bearish thesis and initiate the asset's recovery.

🌟 Please share this review with others.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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📈 Prediction (ETH and LTC): 😁 ETH/USDT - #Ethereum briefly dipped below the $3,000 mark, and further decline could lead to a two-month low. However, the likelihood of this event is diminishing as investors regain confidence in the altcoin's prospects. According to data from the Santiment analytical platform, the number of #ETH transfers to exchanges has significantly decreased. This indicates that selling pressure is subsiding, and market participants prefer to hold onto their coins. Forecast: Currently, Ethereum is trading within a descending wedge and is approaching a breakout. If successful, the asset's price could rise by 28% to the key level of $4,000. However, a confident confirmation of $3,000 as support and movement towards $3,500 seem like a more realistic scenario. Nevertheless, ETH still risks falling to the lower boundary of the wedge, coinciding with the $2,800 mark. This would lead to increased losses and a potential plunge to $2,600, rendering the bullish thesis invalid. 🤫 LTC/USDT - Litecoin's price tends to react to investor behavior, and there's currently an increase in #LTC holder activity on the network. The number of addresses conducting transactions has increased by 22.66% over the past three weeks, from 353,000 to 433,000. Such growth in active addresses is observed for the first time in almost six months. The last time this occurred was in November 2023. Forecast: Litecoin's price is breaking out of the "Descending Triangle" reversal pattern. This bullish formation on the chart promises a potential trend reversal from bearish to bullish if the price breaks above the upper boundary of the pattern. Considering the aforementioned factors, the altcoin could initiate a potential rally of 27% towards the pattern's target at $102. However, for this to happen, LTC's price must first turn resistance at the $86 level into support. If this bullish breakthrough fails, #Litecoin may break support at $79, leading to the nullification of the pattern and the bullish scenario. In this case, the price could fall to $76 and below. 📊 Share analysis!
🪙 Crypto News (May 10, 2024): 1️⃣ Cardano Foundation: The #Cardano Foundation, a non-profit organization headquartered in Switzerland and overseeing the cryptocurrency ADA, has appointed Giorgio Zinetti as its new Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Zinetti's focus will be on open-source solutions. 🔍 2️⃣ Optimism: Third-tier networks (L3) can now integrate into the Superchain ecosystem using the OP Stack technology stack. 🔄 3️⃣ DeDust:, a decentralized exchange on The Open Network (TON) blockchain, has launched staking for its native token SCALE. To participate, users need to visit the Staking #SCALE page, connect their TON-supported wallet, and click the Stake button. Staking has no minimum requirement. Withdrawals can be made after 72 hours or immediately with a 5% commission. 💼 4️⃣ Decentralized Recovery Alliance: #Ripple has joined Swirlds Labs and the Algorand Foundation as a founding member of the DeRec Alliance. This initiative aims to simplify the implementation and recovery of digital assets. In January, Limon Baird, co-founder of Hedera, conceived DeRec Alliance as an open-source project to establish methodologies and industry standards for convenient, secure, and decentralized asset recovery across all wallets. 🛡️ 5️⃣ PR Newswire: #Canaan unveiled the flagship product of the next generation of cryptocurrency mining devices, the A1566 series Avalon A15, at the Bitcoin Asia 2024 exhibition. 🚀 👍 If you haven't already subscribed, consider hitting the subscribe button for more updates like these!

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