Binance Square
According to SoSoValue, yesterday's total net outflows of Bitcoin spot ETFs amounted to $36.67 million. The Grayscale ETF GBTC had a net outflow of $110 million in a single day, with GBTC's historical net outflow now standing at $16.38 billion. The Bitcoin spot ETF with the highest single-day net inflow was the BlackRock ETF IBIT, with an approximate net inflow of $73.40 million.

According to SoSoValue, yesterday's total net outflows of Bitcoin spot ETFs amounted to $36.67 million. The Grayscale ETF GBTC had a net outflow of $110 million in a single day, with GBTC's historical net outflow now standing at $16.38 billion. The Bitcoin spot ETF with the highest single-day net inflow was the BlackRock ETF IBIT, with an approximate net inflow of $73.40 million.

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