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Bitcoin Gurukul
Summary Of Everything That Happened In The Past 12 Hours 😱📉 - Iran launches an attack on #Israel using dozens of drones. - #Bitcoin  and the crypto market reacted negatively and started crashing - $600M got liquidated in just 1 hour as BTC and alts crashed like there's no support - GCRClassic tweeted that it's the right time to buy high-conviction coins - Market immediately pumped after that - #Iran made the statement that the matter has been concluded now - BTC and alts rebounded strongly after this news This was one of the black swan-type events similar to 2020 (the magnitude was smaller this time) IMO, the local bottom has happened for alts until and unless someone tries again to play with our portfolio 😢

Summary Of Everything That Happened In The Past 12 Hours 😱📉

- Iran launches an attack on #Israel using dozens of drones.

- #Bitcoin  and the crypto market reacted negatively and started crashing

- $600M got liquidated in just 1 hour as BTC and alts crashed like there's no support

- GCRClassic tweeted that it's the right time to buy high-conviction coins

- Market immediately pumped after that

- #Iran made the statement that the matter has been concluded now

- BTC and alts rebounded strongly after this news

This was one of the black swan-type events similar to 2020 (the magnitude was smaller this time)

IMO, the local bottom has happened for alts until and unless someone tries again to play with our portfolio 😢

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
الردود 4
استكشف أحدث أخبار العملات الرقمية
⚡️ كُن جزءًا من أحدث النقاشات في مجال العملات الرقمية
💬 تفاعل مع مُنشِئي المُحتوى المُفضّلين لديك
👍 استمتع بالمحتوى الذي يثير اهتمامك
البريد الإلكتروني / رقم الهاتف
مُنشِئ مُحتوى ذو صلة

استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

THE FIRST 10 DAYS OF MAY HAVE BEEN MASSIVE FOR CRYPTO 🚀 Congratulations to those who bought the dip :) The recovery so far has been full of returns $RNDR is up by 40% $AKT $AIOZ are constantly in the daily top trending $KAS moving above 12 cents $RIO broke descending wedge $DIONE rejecting 1 cents level All this is happening because of the constant belief of the communities that the peak is not reached yet. We have shared the long term outlook for Alts so many times in our journey but is's always good to maximise the returns by zooming in. If you'd checkout the similar chart for Bitcoin, it has rejected this resistance and gone into another correction phase. THIS IS GREAT NEWS This divergence with the Total3 chart tells us the decreasing dominance of BTC on the shorter timeframes which will slowly appear on the monthly chart which we plot regularly on our platforms. That being said, these candles are not the only indication of the green days, weeks and months. Several developments are going all around the globe that should get us excited. 🔥 For #AI holders, the $ASI merger, NVIDIA report of earnings is going to give a push. For #RWA fans, the recent institutional involvement is JPMorgan and Visa jump into ambitious tokenisation project. I am telling you this is just the start, we might be way ahead a little to call we are early in terms of market phase but in terms of global adoption, we are nowhere near. The big institutions are not going to stay away from the space since they all crave capital into their businesses and the majority capital is going to be in the crypto space. THEY WILL TRY TO DELAY THIS, BUT WE HAVE TO STAY STRONGER 💪
🚨What happened in Crypto in the last 12h?🚨 - Binance/OKX listing $NOT - OpenAI (AI-powered search engine) - $AMPL Buying program - $DESO PoS Hard fork - $NGL stakers receive $BORPA airdrop - $FLR Arthur Hayes shilling - $ARB x BlackRock's BUIDL Agent 👇 • OpenAI plans to announce Google search engin competitor on Monday. (AI Catalyst) • Notcoin $NOT is launching on OKX Jumpstart and Binance launchpool. • $ARB - BlackRock's BUIDL Agent @Securitize sumitted a proposal an integration agreement to deploy tokenized securities on Arbitrum. • $AMPL - @EefiFinance announced the release of Elastic Vault. The team plans to launch an AMPL Buying program via EEFI Bonding. • $CHZ - SBI Holdings and Chiliz plan to forge joint venture partnership to bring leading sporting Fan Tokens to Japanese. • $DESO - Deso Founder @nadertheory announced that the PoS testnet hard fork has been successful. Details on $DESO staking and the launch of $FOCUS will be revealed next week. • $FLR - Arthur Hayes @MaelstromFund wrote the first article about Oracle projects. Research suggests that $FLR is undervalued. • $NGL - @BorpaTokencom announced $NGL stakers receive a $BORPA airdrop. The Entangle Points program will start on May 15. • $SLN - Smart Layer has launched Redbrick Launchpad soft staking. The staking period for this first launch will run for 7 days. • $QTUM - Qtum has released Qtum Qurator, an AI image generator powered by 10,000 Nvidia GPUs. • The listing of Notcoin on Binance has led to speculation about a possible $TON Binance Spot listing. * * * 💞Please Like/Repost to support :) Follow @Bitcoin Gurukul for Super Early updates. Thanks for reading!🫡

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