Binance Square
Max Cryptobuddy
📉 Bitcoin took a $5K nosedive yesterday, but it's not all doom and gloom! 🚀 BTC dominance is on the rise, hitting 51.7%. - Altcoins felt the burn too, with many seeing double-digit losses. - Meme coins were hit hardest, some dropping by up to 30%. - Total crypto market cap dipped by over $200B, but it's already bouncing back. Despite the setback, Bitcoin's fighting spirit is undeniable, now standing above $67,000. 💪 What's your take on this market shakeup? Sound off in the comments! 🗣️ #Bitcoin #CryptoMarket #BTCDominance

📉 Bitcoin took a $5K nosedive yesterday, but it's not all doom and gloom! 🚀 BTC dominance is on the rise, hitting 51.7%.

- Altcoins felt the burn too, with many seeing double-digit losses.

- Meme coins were hit hardest, some dropping by up to 30%.

- Total crypto market cap dipped by over $200B, but it's already bouncing back.

Despite the setback, Bitcoin's fighting spirit is undeniable, now standing above $67,000. 💪

What's your take on this market shakeup? Sound off in the comments! 🗣️ #Bitcoin #CryptoMarket #BTCDominance

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